Из задания № 3 возьми вопросы, из задания N» 4 структуру написания эссе. Напиши эссе о мероприятии, которое ты посещал и оно тебя впечатлило. Используй различные прилагательные для описания. Напиши три небольших абзаца (в первом абазце 1-2 предложения; во втором абзаце 5-7 предложений; в третьем абазаце 2-3 предложения). 60-80 слов.
Hi! On summer I’ve been in America with my family. It was so cool!! Because there good ,beautiful place
We are relax, I mean we went to the beach and shopping . Weather was so hot That’s why we often go to the poll. There soo Coll restaurants. I ate a lot of delicious food . I will never forget this time . I like my this holiday,
Now pandemic situation, so that’s why I cannot go abroad. But I hope that one day I will be there.
Hi! On summer I’ve been in America with my family. It was so cool!! Because there good ,beautiful place
We are relax, I mean we went to the beach and shopping . Weather was so hot That’s why we often go to the poll. There soo Coll restaurants. I ate a lot of delicious food . I will never forget this time . I like my this holiday,
Now pandemic situation, so that’s why I cannot go abroad. But I hope that one day I will be there.