Измените прямую речь на косвенную Gary said, "I write the lyrics for the songs." *
1.Gary told me he wrote the lyrics for the songs.
2.Gary said me he write the lyrics for the songs.
3.Gary told he had written the lyrics for the song
Lisa said, "You should go to the karaoke club on Black Road." *
1.Lisa said that you should go to the karaoke club on Black Road.
2.Lisa said that you should went to the karaoke club on Black Road.
3.Lisa said that I should go to the karaoke club on Black Roa
Mark said,"You'll listen to some really horrible voices there!
1.Mark said that l would listen to some really horrible voices there.
2.Mark said that you would listen to some really horrible voices there.
3.Mark said that l'll listen to some really horrible voices there.
Tom said to Chloe, "I don't like the concerts because they are always crowded." *
1.Tom told Chloe I don't like the concerts because they were/are always crowded.
2.Tom told Chloe she didn't like the concerts because they were/are always crowded.
3.Tom told Chloe he didn't like the concerts because they were/are always crowded.
ike said, "We can do there together next weekend." *
1.Mike said that we could go there together the following weekend.
2.Mike said that we can go there together the following weekend.
3.Mike said that they can went there together the following weekend.
You said, "You will go to the concert with me." *
1.You said I would go to the concert with you.
2.You said you will go to the concer with me.
3.You said you would go to the concert with me.
They said, "You aren't a very good singer." *
1.They said I wasn't a very good singer.
2.They said I amn't a very good singer.
3.They said you weren't a very good singer
Mel said, "I went to a concert last night." *
1.Mel said she had gone to a concert the previous night.
2.Mel said I went to a concert the previous night.
3.Mel said she went to a concert the previous night.
Paul told Alice, "I've been to karaoke clubs before!" *
1.Paul told Alice that I had been to karaoke clubs before.
2.Paul told Alice he had been to karaoke clubs before.
3.Paul told Alice he was to karaoke clubs before
James said, "I didn't enjoy yesterday's concert because the singer's voice was horrible." *
1.James said he hadn't enjoyed the previous day's concert because the singer's voice had been horrible.
2.James said I hadn't enjoyed the previous day's concert because the singer's voice had been horrible.
3.James said he didn't enjoy the previous day's concert because the singer's voice had been horrible.
Mary said, "I don't like the BTS's latest album." *
1.Mary told me she didn't like the BTS's latest album.
2.Mary told me she don't like the BTS's latest album.
3.Mary said me she doesn't like the BTS's latest album.
Каждый день Саймон бабушке убирать комнаты и поливать цветы.
Когда жарко и солнечно Саймон любит плавать и нырять в реке. Он любит ездить верхом на лошади, запускать воздушного змея и устраивать с бабушкой пикник.
Когда идет дождь он может рисовать картины в своей собственной комнате, смотреть телевизор или читать книги в гостинной.
Иногда он играет в прятки с бабушкой дома. Это очень интересно!
Сегодня погода плохая. Дождливо и облачно. Холодно. Саймон не может пойти на прогулку.
Бабушка занята. По утрам она ходит за покупками. Саймон сейчас один. Ему грустно. Саймон не хочет читать или рисовать. Он хочет поиграть с кем-нибудь. Но внезапно раздаётся: " Мяу Мяу Мяу "
- О, что это?
"What does Simon like to
do on the farm?"- Simon likes
to swim and dive in the river. He
likes to ride a horse, fly a kite and
have a picnic with his granny.