School does prepare you for the future. School prepares you for the future because it teaches you how to become an everyday worker. Think of it this way, your boss doesn't want you slacking and not doing your work in a everyday environment. Well thats what school is an everyday environment where you complete assignments and whether you do them is up to you or not. However in a common work place if you don't do your work you end up fired, or in an almost same way you fail the class. Which if you think about it is almost like failing your job.
Мой любимый магазин это магазин, где продаются одежда и аксессуары мой любимой группы 1Д. Там очень много всяких футболок и кофт с логотипом группы или их фото. Также здесь продаются спортивная одежда, кроссовки, кепки и многое другое. И также аксессуары и парфюмерия. Из парфюмерии здесь продают духи, помады, лаки и другое. My favorite store is a shop selling clothes and accessories by my favorite band 1D. There's a lot of t-shirts and sweatshirts with the group's logo or photo. It also sells sportswear, shoes, caps and much more. And also accessories and perfumes. From perfumes here selling perfumes, lipstick, varnishes and more.