Jenny Williams is a tourist guide . She works Pegalo Holidays agency. Now the... ... ... ... ... ..people in a bus trip. Parе of her job is to make sure the trip is... ... ... ... ... ... for them and give them ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... about the places they will visit
A long torso, a small head with a sharp, sly face, like a Fox, short legs with strong semi-heavy claws - that's it.
The ears are triangular in shape, with the inner side of white. Eyes and nose black color of. She has a very beautiful color of fur on top of the body coat bright red, and at the bottom is much darker – to brown and black.
On the face near the nose and around the eyes, white color, which gradually passes to the neck and chest of the animal. A beautiful tail is entwined with dark longitudinal stripes.
Mouth of sharp teeth 38. Vision, hearing and smell are well developed.
Most of her life she spends in the trees, on the ground down to eat. Most of all loves to chew the shoots and leaves of bamboo, this is its main diet.
red Panda photosa day eats about 4 kg of shoots and 1.5 kg of bamboo leaves. But the little predator also tastes berries, bird eggs, and rodent can catch. Observers say that in search of food animal spends up to 13 hours. The way of life is twilight, smoothly passing into the night. During the day, the Panda prefers to rest or sleep in a hollow, curled up. The small Panda very well climbs trees, there and hides from terrible predators, in particular from a leopard. Each individual has its own territory. They are independent and independent animals.
small (red) Panda's fotohandy can form a str During the day, the Panda prefers to rest or sleep in a hollow, curled up. The small Panda very well climbs trees, there and hides from terrible predators, in particular from a leopard. Each individual has its own territory. They are independent and independent animals. The little Panda lives in East Asia, namely Tibet, China, Burma, Nepal and the mountainous regions of India. She prefers mixed forests, and to enough in it grew bamboo.
The length of this pretty animal is up to 62 cm, the length of the fluffy tail is up to 45 cm, and the weight is about 3.5 kg to 6 kg.
A long torso, a small head with a sharp, sly face, like a Fox, short legs with strong semi-heavy claws - that's it.
The ears are triangular in shape, with the inner side of white. Eyes and nose black color of.
She has a very beautiful color of fur on top of the body coat bright red, and at the bottom is much darker – to brown and black.
On the face near the nose and around the eyes, white color, which gradually passes to the neck and chest of the animal. A beautiful tail is entwined with dark longitudinal stripes.
Mouth of sharp teeth 38. Vision, hearing and smell are well developed.
Most of her life she spends in the trees, on the ground down to eat. Most of all loves to chew the shoots and leaves of bamboo, this is its main diet.
red Panda photosa day eats about 4 kg of shoots and 1.5 kg of bamboo leaves. But the little predator also tastes berries, bird eggs, and rodent can catch. Observers say that in search of food animal spends up to 13 hours. The way of life is twilight, smoothly passing into the night.
During the day, the Panda prefers to rest or sleep in a hollow, curled up. The small Panda very well climbs trees, there and hides from terrible predators, in particular from a leopard. Each individual has its own territory. They are independent and independent animals.
small (red) Panda's fotohandy can form a strong couple, but this is rare. They mostly live alone.
Гигантская бурозубка — эндемичное животное Дальнего Востока. Рас в южной части Приморского края, северо-восточном Китае и в северной части Корейского полуострова. Является одним из самых крупных представителей рода бурозубок — длина тела достигает почти 10 см, вес — до 14 г. Окраска тела коричневато-бурая, на нижней стороне тела более светлая и тусклая. На мордочке хорошо выделяются длинные (до 3 см) светло-серые вибриссы.
В основном обитает во влажных участках широколиственных и хвойно-широколиственных лесах. Питается дождевыми червями, а также кивсяками, которых другие виды бурозубок не едят. В день съедает в пищи 2—2,5 раза больше собственного веса. Размножается один раз в году.
Гигантская бурозубка внесена в Красную книгу России как «редкий реликтовый эндемичный вид с сокращающейся численностью»