К определениям под буквами подобрать выделенные жирным шрифтом названия.
neuron, charge, molecule, proton, atom, energy, particle, matter, electron, cell
1) very small piece of matter, part of an atom;
2) the smallest unit, consisting of a group of atoms, into which a substance can be divided without a change in its chemical nature;
3) very small piece of matter with a positive electric charge that forms part of the nucleus of an atom;
4) physical substance in general that everything in the world consists of;
5) a cell that carries information within the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body;
6) the smallest part of a chemical element that can take part in a chemical reaction;
7) the ability of matter or radiation to work because of its mass, movement, electric charge, etc.;
8) the smallest unit of living matter that can exist on its own;
9) very small piece of matter with a negative electric charge, found in all atoms;
10) the amount of electricity that is carried by a substance.
Task 3.
Try to find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
Найти из текста эквиваленты на английском.
1) вырабатывать электроэнергию
2) механическая энергия
3) простое вещество
4) предметы первой необходимости
5) накапливать электричество
6) основные виды энергии
7) удерживать молекулы
8) неподвижный заряд
2)Because many people want to look good and have good health.
3)Sport helps me keep in shape because when you exercise all the muscles come in tone.
4)In the UK popular games such as Rugby, Golf, tennis, Curling and snooker, and in Russia's popular hockey, football, volleyball, figure skating.
5)I like hockey, tennis and figure skating.
6)No I can't call myself a fan because I don't always watch all the matches and in General I like to cook more.
7)Yes, I have watched competitions at the stadium. It was very exciting, everyone is screaming around and eat chips.
8)Yeah, I know. For example, the Olympic games. There are competing countries in different sports.
9)I know a couple of winter and summer sports. Summer: football, baseball, Golf. Winter: hockey, figure skating, bobsled.
10)In my opinion the most beautiful sport is figure skating. The most dangerous box. The most healthy it's football. The most interesting to watch is hockey. The least interesting to view tennis.
Thank you for your congratulations on my birthday. It was great to hear from you! Also thanks for my gift- a nice cute kitten! I dreamed about this cute gift so long! He is nice and he plays with me all day long. I really love him. I wanted a pet for so long, and you gave me happiness - my first pet.
I know about your beatiful parrot, but I don't know about other pets you have. I hope you will tell me.
By the way, have you ever got a cat? If yes, can you tell me some tips about how I care my kitten. I won't he be ill.Thsnks a lot.Keep in touch!
Best reguards,
(Твоё имя)
Здесь как раз чуть более ста английских слов с артиклями и местоимениями.