Как читается на .once upon a time there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise. the hare always laughed at the tortoise because he was so slow . all the animals were tired of listening to the hare . then one day the tortoise surprised them all: `let`s have a race tomorrow then! ` the next day
when they started the race the hare jumped forward . very soon he was far ahead af the tortoise . it was a very sunny day and the hare was very hot `there`s a tree. i can rest under it! ` a few hours later the tortoise passed the sleeping suddenly the hare opened his eyes and looked around . he saw
the tortoise at the finish line! the tortoise was the winner ! the hare learned his lesson that day: `keep on going and dont stop until you cross the finish line!
2.They sometimes go to the perk on Sanday.
3.Mike always helps his grandparens.
4.Andy likes to swim in the swimming-pool.
5.Vicky makes the best pizza in our town.
6.Larry meets our friends every weekend.
7.Dolly knows everything about cats.
8.My father usually washes the car on Satyrday.
9.His mother always watches TV in the evening.
10.My cousin often flies to Prague.
11.A bird sings merrily in the tree.
12.Pam often plays with the ball in the yard.
13.Sam teachers my little brother to ride a bike.
14.Garry understands Franch well.
15.Nelly writes wonderfuk poem.