Как читаеться по ? yury gagarin made history by being the first humah to onbit the earth. gagarin to see the dank sky turn into a black space as he was shot into orbit, around the earth. 14 minutes a fter liftoff, gagarin reported, "separation from his food and water samples" mother and how she would react to the news of the first space especially since hen son was the one up there flying it. she was uma wane a bout gagarin being invaved in space exploration until the news broke. gagarin started passing over africa, the autopilot tarned "vostok 1" aroud and fired the rocket, which would take vostok 1 out of orbit. as the capsule came out of orbit, the equ ipment section was dropped, gagarin experienced 10 gs, and felt like a 1,500- pound brick falling flom the sky. with a flight time of about 1 hour and 48 mim, gagarin landed safely in siberia.