Casper lives with his three uncles in a haunted house in New York City. Unlike Casper, his three uncles are very mischievous and like to scare every human who visits. This is very contrary to Casper's conscience, who was created with a friendly and kind character.
Unable to stand the behavior of his three uncles, finally Casper decided to leave the house. Casper's departure aims to find human friends. Unfortunately, just leaving the house, let alone humans, the animals just ran away in fear after seeing Casper.
The incident did not discourage Casper. Casper always tries to make friends with humans. Unfortunately Casper's efforts were in vain, not a single human wanted to be friends with him.
Casper finally broke his heart and wanted to commit suicide, but he realized that he had died. At the end of his despair Casper met Johnny and Bonnie who wanted to be Casper's friends.
Каспер живет со своими тремя дядями в доме с привидениями в Нью-Йорке. В отличие от Каспера, три его дяди очень озорны и любят пугать каждого человека, который его навещает. Это очень противоречит совести Каспера, который был создан с дружелюбным и добрым характером.
Не выдержав поведения трех своих дядей, Каспер наконец решил покинуть дом. Уход Каспера направлен на поиски человеческих друзей. К сожалению, просто выйдя из дома, не говоря уже о людях, животные в страхе убежали, увидев Каспера.
Инцидент не обескуражил Каспера. Каспер всегда старается подружиться с людьми. К сожалению, усилия Каспера были напрасны, ни один человек не хотел с ним дружить.
В конце концов, Каспер разбил себе сердце и хотел покончить жизнь самоубийством, но понял, что умер.В конце своего отчаяния Каспер встретил Джонни и Бонни, которые хотели быть друзьями Каспера.
Casper lives with his three uncles in a haunted house in New York City. Unlike Casper, his three uncles are very mischievous and like to scare every human who visits. This is very contrary to Casper's conscience, who was created with a friendly and kind character.
Unable to stand the behavior of his three uncles, finally Casper decided to leave the house. Casper's departure aims to find human friends. Unfortunately, just leaving the house, let alone humans, the animals just ran away in fear after seeing Casper.
The incident did not discourage Casper. Casper always tries to make friends with humans. Unfortunately Casper's efforts were in vain, not a single human wanted to be friends with him.
Casper finally broke his heart and wanted to commit suicide, but he realized that he had died. At the end of his despair Casper met Johnny and Bonnie who wanted to be Casper's friends.
Каспер живет со своими тремя дядями в доме с привидениями в Нью-Йорке. В отличие от Каспера, три его дяди очень озорны и любят пугать каждого человека, который его навещает. Это очень противоречит совести Каспера, который был создан с дружелюбным и добрым характером.
Не выдержав поведения трех своих дядей, Каспер наконец решил покинуть дом. Уход Каспера направлен на поиски человеческих друзей. К сожалению, просто выйдя из дома, не говоря уже о людях, животные в страхе убежали, увидев Каспера.
Инцидент не обескуражил Каспера. Каспер всегда старается подружиться с людьми. К сожалению, усилия Каспера были напрасны, ни один человек не хотел с ним дружить.
В конце концов, Каспер разбил себе сердце и хотел покончить жизнь самоубийством, но понял, что умер.В конце своего отчаяния Каспер встретил Джонни и Бонни, которые хотели быть друзьями Каспера.
passive voice.
a. She is being helped by someone with the homework.
b. A parcel was sent for Mrs. Green by the mail-order company.
c. An invitation was sent for me by my friend.
d. Some letters have been given for Mrs. Jones by the secretary.
e. A ticket had been given for him by the traffic warden for illegal parking.
f. That beautiful ring was given for Elizabeth by John.
g. Flowers have been sent for her by her students.
h. The message must given by him to the right person.
i. English and French are taught for our students by us
j. Flowers were bought by someone for the bride.
k. The tourist were shown the sights of Athens by them.
l. She is paid an exellent salary by them.
m. The artist was paid £1,000 for his painting by them.