Mobile phone at school Does a student need a mobile phone at school? There are so many different opinions, I personally believe that a mobile phone is needed. First of all, the mobile phone gives us the opportunity to keep in touch with friends and relatives at any time. This is especially important for children, as parents should know that everything is fine with their child. In addition, modern mobile phones are multifunctional: they provide Internet access, which is also necessary in some situations. They can also be used to store any necessary information, especially when there is no pen and paper at hand. But on the other hand, mobile phones cause a number of problems. They are very distracting teachers and students from work. In addition, the phone is very unhealthy. In my opinion, at present, a mobile phone is an integral part of the life of any person. I personally need a phone every day, although I know about its harmful effects on my health. We must try to find a middle ground.
Девять планет вокруг солнца,
Слушай, как я называю каждую:
Меркурий? Сюда! Номер один-
ближайшая к Солнцу планета.
Венера? Сюда! Номер два,
сияющий ярко, как новенький!
Земля? Сюда! В-третьих,
Земля-это дом для нас с тобой.
Марс? Сюда! Номер четыре,
Красный и готовый к исследованию!
Юпитер? Сюда! Номер пять, Самая
большая планета, это не джайв!
Сатурн? Сюда! Номер шесть,
С кольцами пыли и льда, которые смешиваются.
Уран? Сюда! Номер семь,
Планета, наклонившаяся высоко в небе.
Нептун? Сюда! Номер восемь,
С одним темным пятном, размер которого велик.
Плутон? Сюда! Номер девять,
Самый маленький и последний в очереди!
Mobile phone at school Does a student need a mobile phone at school? There are so many different opinions, I personally believe that a mobile phone is needed. First of all, the mobile phone gives us the opportunity to keep in touch with friends and relatives at any time. This is especially important for children, as parents should know that everything is fine with their child. In addition, modern mobile phones are multifunctional: they provide Internet access, which is also necessary in some situations. They can also be used to store any necessary information, especially when there is no pen and paper at hand. But on the other hand, mobile phones cause a number of problems. They are very distracting teachers and students from work. In addition, the phone is very unhealthy. In my opinion, at present, a mobile phone is an integral part of the life of any person. I personally need a phone every day, although I know about its harmful effects on my health. We must try to find a middle ground.