Kirov's Square
Probably the most beautiful sight in the town is at the northern part of Irkutsk, known as Kirov's square. Here, the memorial and the eternal flame are dedicated to the Siberian soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect mother Russia during WWII. The eternal flame was lit on May 8th, 1975. It lies opposite the regional administrative building, where Russian guards march around there daily. On the central wall of the Irkutsk regional administration building, the names of 37 Heroes of the Soviet Union who were natives of Irkutsk were carved.
Low Embankment: Church of the Saviour & Epiphany Cathedral
Church of the Saviour is the only surviving building of the fortress. Together with the Epiphany Cathedral they form the oldest architectural ensemble of Irkutsk. From the bridge along Angara river, walk eastbound and you will see a very eye- catching fairy-tale like church. The facades of the cathedral are decorated with tiles of beautiful animals and flowers.
*1. Find in the text the sentences with Passive Voice.
EXAMPLES: It is located in Eastern Siberia.
Irkutsk was founded as a wooden fortress in 1661.
Петр I, или Петр Великий (1672-1725), был одним из самых выдающихся правителей и реформаторов в русской истории. Он провел свое детство и в начале 1. села Преображенское, где он жил со своей матерью, любил военных в играх, занимался плотницким делом, кузнечным делом и печатью, учился плавать на парусных лодках и лишь редко - 2 церемониям. В 1689 году, в возрасте семнадцати лет, Петр успешно 3. в Москву для официальной Софии от власти, и по настоянию его матери 4. Евдокия Лопыхина. Брак не был счастливым: ни Евдокия, ни их сын Алексей не разделяли интересов Петра. Много лет спустя Алексей был арестован, обвинен в государственной измене и умер в Петропавловской крепости в возрасте до 5 лет. Он был разведен Петром в 1712 году, а затем был вынужден войти в монастырь. В том же году Петр женился на Марте Скавронской, обстоятельства, а Евдокия
1) Gulnara was tidying her room while Damir was having a bath.
2) When did he call?
3) She was sunbathing when her mobile rang.
4) We were swimming at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
5) They finished breakfast and then went out.
6) Aidar was playing tennis when it started raining.
7) The kids were watching TV while Mum was reading a magazine.
8) Akbota was making dinner when the lights went out.
9) They were driving to Astana when their car broke down
10) He put on his coat, grabbed his bag and left.
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