Test in Reading
What gets you up in the moming? Your alarm clock? Your noisy little sister? For Daniel Miller on Padlock
Ranch in Montana, it's the love for his job that gets him up at 4 am every moming to start his day as a
Every day. Daniel eats a breakfast od eggs and toast and washes it down with black coffee. He feeds his dog
then he goes across the fields to the cattle on his horse. He feeds the cows and then does all the other
chores around the ranch for the rest of the day. There's always a lot to fix and clean and it takes a long time
to finish them all
Daniel doesn't have much free time and as the nearest neighbour lives 10 miles away, he spends most of his
time with the horses. He often talks to them and takes them down to the river. Cowboying saring job that
never ends so it isn't a job for everyone, but Daniel is very happy with his way of life. He usually relaxes in the
evening with an interesting book and watches the sun go down - a perfect and to a hard day's work
Question 1
What makes Daniel get up in the morning?
a) his sister
6) the noise of the cattle
в) his alarmn оlоси
n his job
Dear friend,
Thanks a lot for your letter - I was really glad to hear from you. Sorry, I couldn't anwser earlier - I had too much homework to do.
That's cool that you've been on a rock-n-roll concert - I remember how much you wanted to get there! Anyway, I'm not a fan of rock-music, it's to rude for me. I prefer pop music which you can usually hear from every radio. I don't really like going on concerts. I would rather walk with my friends. I've been on 2 concerts, but I didn't like them - so I don't go there anymore.
I need to help my mom, so that's why I must finish my letter.
I'm looking forward to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
(здесь пиши своё имя без точки)
I have just arrived on a new planet and want to talk some about my empression. Firstly, you need to know that this planet is very beautiful and it is very different from the Earth. It has green water instead of blue, and grass is red. My journey goes very good, it's a lot of interesting things here. I'm going to return home in a month. Also, there are very kind and smart people on this planet. They told me some cool facts about their home and even talked to me about some secrets of this place. Well, at the moment i feel peaceful. This journey gives me as much of good emotions as i can't write you about how i am happy. But on the other hand, i miss my home - the Earth.
Sorry, i cant write more, i need to help my new friends. How to hear from you soon.
All the best,
(Твое имя)