Когда космонавты на орбите садятся обедать, у них нет ни тарелок, ни вилок, ни прочей посуды. Вся космическая пища в виде пюре упакована в герметичные тюбики. Ведь в невесомости вещи не лежат на своих местах, а свободно парят в воздухе. И случайная крошка может попасть в один из приборов, что приведет к аварии.
Но невесомость не только этим докучает космонавтам: без притяжения Земли позвоночник удлиняется на 5-8 сантиметров, что очень опасно, а мышцы без нагрузки сильно слабеют. Раньше после полетов космонавтов даже приходилось выносить из корабля на носилках. Сейчас они научились оставаться здоровыми и крепкими на протяжении всего путешествия. Они каждый день упорно занимаются гимнастикой, поддерживая себя в рабочей форме.
1. Выпиши из текста 3 наречия, определи значение наречия (наречия места, наречия времени, наречия образа или наречие степени качества) ?
meet friends. 3. You in school give the book to read? 4 Prisoners held in
the great hall. 5. What exercises you did in class? 6. Who wrote this letter?
7. Next year they will build many schools. 8. This work will be completed on
next week? 9. Above them all laugh. 10. When were planted these apples? 11.
In the Institute he often remembered and talked about it. 12. We will meet at the station?
13. The answer will be sent within a few days. 14. When you asked?
15. This translation will be completed in a few days. 16. This book will return
in time? 17. At the railway station he will meet the Pope. 18. This picture was painted in the 16th century. 19. These books are used for
work? 20. In Italy we will show a lot of attractions. 21. Behind this
the man was huge crowd. 22. When you read a new story, someone knocked on
a door. 23. You already invited the evening? 24. When mother came, the dinner was already
2. This picture was painted in the XVI century.
3. Are these books used for work?
4. In Italy, we will (или shall) be shown a lot of sights.
5. This man was followered by a huge crowd.
6. When a new story was being read, someone knocked at the door.
7. Have you been invited for the evening yet?
8. When mother came, lunch had already been cooked.
9. This doctor is often sent for.
10. He is always met by his friends at the station.
11. Are you given the books for reading at school?
12. The prisoners were taken to a large hall.
13. What exercises have been done in class?
14. Who has written this letter?
15. Next year many schools will be built.
16. He is laughed at by everybody.
17. Will this work be completed next week?
18. When were these apple trees planted?
19. He was often remembered and spoken about at the Institute.
20. Will (или shall) we be met at the station?
21. The answer will be sent in a few days.
22. When were you asked?
23. This translation will be completed in a few days.
24. Will this book be returned in time?