Простое Время). Мы его используем, когда речь идет о действии или ситуации в и мы ставим ed ,а если хотим задать вопрос то did.В Present Simpl Вс глагол данного времени do/ does . Мы используем do / does, чтобы задать вопрос или построить отрицательное предложение.Глагол(V) в Present Simple употребляется в обычной форме, но в 3 лице ед. числе (после he/ she/ it) глагол принимает окончание -s .В FUTURE В вопросительной форме вс глагол will ставится перед подлежащим .Для образования Future Simple первого лица также можно использовать вс глаголshall. Но сейчас этим вс глаголом пользуются все реже и реже.
In short, I meant to go there, but I did not have time.We never saw Sue look as luxurious as that night.What makes you think so? You can not believe everything that people say.Neighbors saw that they got into the car early in the morning and left.I would prefer not to talk about this topic. It's too complicated to remember everything.Julia was not that kind of woman.There are many things in this world that can make us unhappy.Try to do something that could change the world for the better.Put on a coat, hat and scarf to keep from freezing. Your kurt is too light to go out of town.Does she have someone who can take care of her? She is too weak to get out of bed.He covered his face with his hands, as if he did not want to show anyone what he felt.John is a very kind person, I've never seen him refuse someone's help.Have you seen that my father has already come home from work?I heard the music quiet. The audience burst into applause.I noticed how the lecturer was interrupted.I did not hear him ever come here.Everyone knows Professor Jones as the best specialist in English literature of the 19th century.I hate it when he acts like this.The car broke down, and they had to wait for the taxi to arrive.