1. There (is) a manager, an engineer and a secretary in the office. 2. The Chief Executive Officer (has been busy) since Monday. 3. Some colleagues (were) late for the meeting two days ago. 4. What does he (do) in the evenings? 5. The manager (is always busy) on Monday. 6. The company (will have) offices all around the world in 5 years. 7. We (were having) lunch when you telephoned. 8. Who usually (makes) presentations in this group? 9. If we (get up) on time, we will catch the train. 10. Barbara (is meeting) our partners in 1 hour, they have just phoned us. 11. She (will be) at home in an hour. 12. I (am not working) tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.
2. The Chief Executive Officer (has been busy) since Monday.
3. Some colleagues (were) late for the meeting two days ago.
4. What does he (do) in the evenings?
5. The manager (is always busy) on Monday.
6. The company (will have) offices all around the world in 5 years.
7. We (were having) lunch when you telephoned.
8. Who usually (makes) presentations in this group?
9. If we (get up) on time, we will catch the train.
10. Barbara (is meeting) our partners in 1 hour, they have just phoned us.
11. She (will be) at home in an hour.
12. I (am not working) tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.
ин 1953 ей. ˈсэкэˌроф биˈкейм зэ ˈянист эˌкэдэˈмишэн ин ˈрашэ. анˈлайк ˈмени ˈсайэнтистс ей. ˈсэкэˌроф ˈриэлайзд эдˈвантиджиз энд ˌдисэдˈвантиджиз ов ˈтекникэл ˈпроугрэс ин ˈмодэн уёлд. энд эт зи енд ов зи 50ес хи диˈсайдид ту диˈвоут химˈселф ту ˈфайтин эˈгенст ˈфьючэр эˈтомик уоз. хи уоз ˈолсоу уан ов зоуз ху ˈфaундид зэ ˈмоскоу кэˈмити он ˈхьюмэн райтс.
хи уан зэ ноуˈбел пис прайз ин 1975.
ин диˈсембэ 1987 ˈсэкэˌроф паˈтисипейтид ин зи ˌинтэˈнэшэнл ˈконфэрэнс эˈгенст эˈтомик уоз. зэ ˈконфэрэнс тук плейс ин ˈмоскоу.
ей. ˈсэкэˌроф ˈстатид хиз эˈфишэл кэˈриэр эз э ˈмембэр ов ˈрашэн ˈпалэмэнт ин 1987.
ей. ˈсэкэˌроф из зи ˈосэр ов ˈсеврэл букс он ˈпроугрэс энд ˈфридэм ол ˈоувэ зэ уёлд.
хи дайд он зи 14 ов диˈсембэ, 1989.
нaу, ˈмени йиэз ˈафтэр ей. ˈсэкэˌрофс дес ˈпипл стил риˈмембэ хим энд шеэ хиз айˈдиэз.