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ответ: My street is very nice and modern. It is not in the city center, it is in the suburbs. There are many houses in my street and the number of them is increasing every year. Also you can see some supermarkets, a filling station, a hotel, several office centers, cafés and bars.
My school is also located in this street. It is a new modern four-storeyed building that looks very nice. It is not far from my house so it does not take me long to get there.
There is a small park not far from my house. On warm sunny days you can see mothers with children walking there. Also there are some attractions and my friends and I like to go there very much.
My parents started living in this street when I was 5 years old. I want to say that I like my street very much and I am lucky to live in such a beautiful place.
It isn’t raining any more now.
2. Is it clearing up at the moment ?
It isn’t clearing up at the moment.
3. Is the sun shining brightly now?
The sun isn’t shining brightly now.
4.Is the jazz band playing in the park now?
The jazz band is playing in the park now.
5. Are a lot of people playing music now?
A lot of people aren’t playing music now.
6. Are they really have a good time these days?
They really haven’t a good time these days.
7. Are they dancing yet at the moment?
They aren’t dancing yet at the moment.
8. Are only seven people sitting in the coffee shop at the moment?
Only seven people aren’t sitting in the coffee shop at the moment.
9. Are only five people waiting in the queue now?
Only five people aren’t waiting in the queue now.
10. Are some people have sandwiches and drinking coffee,tea or fruit juices now?
Some people haven’t sandwiches and drinking coffee,tea or fruit juices now.
11. Are boys and girls over there laughing and making a lot of noise at the moment?
Boys and girls aren’t over there laughing and making a lot of noise at the moment.
12. Are they playing games at the moment?
They aren’t playing games at the moment.
13. Is Tom going to take pictures at the moment?
Tom isn’t going to take pictures at the moment.