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Go into a busy newsagent's and have a look at what kind of things people are reading. The chances are that the women are reading about fashion, beauty, romance or relationships and the men are reading about cars, photography, equipment or sport. This ought not to be a surprise. After all, these choices are also seen in typical male and female hobbies - men generally enjoy things such as looking after their cars, buying new parts for their stereos, birdwatching or playing computer games, while women seem to prefer keeping in touch with friends and entertaining.

For a long time experts thought that these differences between male and female interests depended on how parents brought up their children and indeed society in general. However, when we look at young babies, we see that boys and girls have interests which we can call typically 'male' or 'female' from a very early age. A baby girl, as young as 12 months old, is sympathetic when she sees a sad or worried face she also looks sad and makes comforting sounds. Baby girls also make more eye contact and look longer at other people. Boys of the same age look longer at mechanical objects - toys that spin, light up or move. Later, when they become toddlers, boys usually enjoy putting things together and building towns or bridges or vehicles. Boys are often more selfish and aggressive when they play with other children while girls are better at joining in with others. Just like the adults.
So where do these differences between male and female behavior come from? Although it is true that culture and upbringing play an important role, many scientists now believe that the answer also lies in the amount of male and female hormones in the mother's body before a child's birth. Research has shown that this balance of hormones leads to three different types of brain. type E, type S and type B. People who are born with a type S or male brain are generally interested in systems: constructing and organising things and working out how things work. They tend to be good at working out where they are, from maps, making things from plans or collecting things. Others have a type E or female brain, which means they are good at understanding other people's emotions and treating people with care because they are sensitive themselves. Others are bom with characteristics of both these male and female brains - this is called the type B or balanced brain.

Perhaps the most crucial thing that the researchers found out was that the type of brain you have does not have to depend on your sex. Not all men have the male brain, and not all women have the female brain. But on average, more males than females have a type S brain, and more females than males have a type E brain.

So does this mean that one sort of brain is superior? No, no ar all. Some people find some things easier to do than others, but both sexes have their strengths and their weaknesses. Researchers hope that understanding how people are bom with different types of brain can help make all of us more tolerant of difference

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25.03.2020 05:57
Поют все вы радостно, теперь поют все вместе! Ветер в дереве верхом, ветра в вереск; Звезды в цвету, Луна находится в цветке, И ярки окна ночи в ее башне. Танцуют все вы радостной, теперь танцевать вместе! Soft является трава, и пусть нога будет как перо! Река серебро, тени являются мимолетными; Мерри май-время, и Мерри нашу встречу. Пойте мы теперь тихо, и мечты давайте ткать его! Ветер его в дремоту, и там мы оставим его! Странник спит. Теперь мягкая подушка будет его! Колыбельная! Колыбельная! Ольха и Уиллоу! Вздох не более сосна, до ветра Наутро!      Падение Луны! Темный быть земля!      Тише! Тише! Дуб, ясень, и Торн! Затихший быть вся вода, до рассвета под рукой!
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30.01.2020 20:03
is a one of the most attractive and visited countries in the world. It is a part of the United Kingdom and it lies in the northern part of Great Britain, occupying almost one-third of the island. The southern border is shared with England. Its northern, western and eastern parts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. Scotland is known for its exquisite liquor and breathtaking landscapes. The highest mountain in the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is situated there. It is located in Scottish Highlands. A famous British poet and lyricist Robert Burns wrote many poems and songs about these highlands. However, Scotland is associated not only with mountainous areas, but with bagpipes, kilts, haggis, Loch Ness monster, historic architecture and cobblestone streets of its capital city Edinburgh. Perhaps, the best time to visit this country is the last day of the year, during Scottish New Year, called Hogmanay. It’s a public holiday with major all-night celebrations, which are among the largest in the world. The largest and most visited cities in the country are Edinburgh and Glasgow. While Edinburgh is the historical, cultural and educational heart of Scotland, Glasgow is its financial and industrial center. Other major and attractive cities are Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness, Livingstone, Perth. Scottish flag is known as St. Andrew’s Cross. It’s a white cross on a blue background. According to the legend St. Andrew was the patron saint of Scotland, who was crucified on the similar cross. Having so many rivers, lakes, highlands and green areas, this country is believed to have one of most beautiful sceneries in the world. Перевод на русский Шотландия является одной из самых привлекательных и посещаемых стран в мире. Это часть Соединенного Королевства, которая находится на севере Великобритании и занимает почти треть острова. На юге она граничит с Англией. На севере, западе и востоке омывается водами Атлантического океана и Северного моря. Шотландия славится своим изысканным ликером и захватывающими пейзажами. Самая высокая гора Британских островов, Бен-Невис, находится там. Она расположена в Шотландском Высокогорье. Знаменитый британский поэт и лирик Роберт Бернс написал множество стихов и песен об этом высокогорье. Тем не менее, Шотландия ассоциируется не только с горными районами, но и с волынками, клетчатыми юбками, блюдом из бараньих потрохов под название Хаггис, Лох-Несским чудовищем, исторической архитектурой и мощеными улочками ее столицы Эдинбурга. Возможно, лучшее время для посещения этой страны это последний день в году, т. е. в канун шотландского Нового года, который называется Сочельник. Это государственный праздник с великим ночным торжеством, которые является одним из самых масштабных в мире. Крупнейшими и наиболее посещаемыми городами в стране являются Эдинбург и Глазго. В то время как Эдинбург является исторической, культурной и образовательной столицей Шотландии, Глазго – это его финансовый и промышленный центр. К другим крупным и привлекательным городам относятся Абердин, Данди, Инвернесс, Ливингстон, Перт. Шотландский флаг известен как Андреевский крест. Это белый крест на синем фоне. По преданию Святой Андрей был покровителем Шотландии, которого распяли на аналогичном кресте. С таким количеством рек, озер, высокогорий и зеленых зон, эта страна славится одними из красивейших пейзажей в мире.
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