Look SOMEBODY is coming out of the headteacher office.
2 NOBODY likes Tom Cruise's new film. It is very boring. 3. Can you hear ANYTHING? 4. There's NOTHING in your fridge to eat. I'm very hungry. 5. I always invite EVERYBODY I know to my parties. 6. He doesn't have any friends because he doesn't like ANYBODY. 7. The police are outside. They are looking for SOMEBODY. 8. What do you want to eat —NOTHING,I'm not hungry. 9. Does ANYBODY live in that white house over there?
В Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
1. You're late Everybody IS WAITING for you. 2. Everybody KNOWS this singer. She's a very popular singer. 3. Don't worry about Jane. Everything IS fine with her. 4. Everybody LIKES\GETS presents on New Year. 5. Nobody KNOWS the answer to this question. 6. There IS nobody in the house.
Настоящий успех в бизнесе никогда не приходит случайно. Добиться долговременного успеха можно, лишь постоянно используя эффективное управление.Существует целая наука об управлении. Оказывается, есть нечто общее в управлении страной и автомобилем, ракетной установкой и детсадовской группой — законы, принципы, правила. Именно их изучает наука об управлении.Чем управление в бизнесе схоже с управлением в других областях жизни?Любое наше действие предполагает наличие цели. Даже если мы просто лежим на диване, то делаем это с определенной целью: 1). отдохнуть, 2) обдумать что-либо, 3) досадить кому-то своим поведением.
Look SOMEBODY is coming out of the headteacher office.
2 NOBODY likes Tom Cruise's new film. It is very boring.3. Can you hear ANYTHING?
4. There's NOTHING in your fridge to eat. I'm very hungry.
5. I always invite EVERYBODY I know to my parties.
6. He doesn't have any friends because he doesn't like ANYBODY.
7. The police are outside. They are looking for SOMEBODY.
8. What do you want to eat —NOTHING,I'm not hungry.
9. Does ANYBODY live in that white house over there?
В Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
1. You're late Everybody IS WAITING for you.
2. Everybody KNOWS this singer. She's a very popular singer.
3. Don't worry about Jane. Everything IS fine with her.
4. Everybody LIKES\GETS presents on New Year.
5. Nobody KNOWS the answer to this question.
6. There IS nobody in the house.