кто шарит буду очень очень благодарна. Заранее Задание такое: Первая метка задать 2 вопроса в present simple Вторая метка задать 2 вопроса в Past simple ВОТ ПЕРЕВОД: У Чарльза Спенсера, брата принцессы Дианы, есть три дочери, 18-летняя Китти и 15-летние близнецы Элиза и Амелия. Они живут в Олторпе, большом загородном доме недалеко от Нортгемптона, примерно в 85 милях (136 км) к северу от Лондона. Одна из сестер и ее подруга хотели поехать на футбольный матч в Лондон. Это был матч Премьер-лиги между «Челси» и «Арсеналом» на «Стэмфорд Бридж». Они вызвали такси, чтобы отвезти их в Лондон и обратно. Подъехало такси, и водитель набрал в навигаторе «Стэмфорд Бридж». Девушки расслабились в задней части машины. Вероятно, они болтали, слушали музыку на своих iPod и писали сообщения своим друзьям. С таксистом они не разговаривали. Через два часа такси остановилось. Они смотрели в окно. Это была улица с красивыми домами. Девочки были немного удивлены и спросили таксиста, где они. «На« Стэмфорд Бридж », - сказал он. «Куда вы хотели пойти?» Стэмфорд Бридж Стади
Kevin and Susan decided not to peek at their presents. When their parents returned home, they asked them about the presents. Mother told that Santa Claus brought the presents earlier. It happened because they were very good children this year. The children were happy and offered to open the presents right now. But their mother refused. She said that it must be a surprise. Kevin and Susan were patient. They opened their presents on New Year`s Eve. They were happy to get the things that they dreamed of.
Topic 1: Healthy habits help us live better. I believe that riding a bike, getting up early, eating fruits and vegetables is very beneficial for the body, they help us to be more cheerful, taller, slimmer. You can’t eat sweets before eating, ruin your appetite and don’t want to eat healthy food, often go in for sports, this will give you harmony and endurance, drink a lot of fluids, it will make you more vigorous, and also the most important habit: study. You will study all your life in kindergarten at school at work, etc. This gives you knowledge about the environment. By following all these rules, your life will be much better.
Kevin and Susan decided not to peek at their presents. When their parents returned home, they asked them about the presents. Mother told that Santa Claus brought the presents earlier. It happened because they were very good children this year. The children were happy and offered to open the presents right now. But their mother refused. She said that it must be a surprise. Kevin and Susan were patient. They opened their presents on New Year`s Eve. They were happy to get the things that they dreamed of.
Topic 1: Healthy habits help us live better. I believe that riding a bike, getting up early, eating fruits and vegetables is very beneficial for the body, they help us to be more cheerful, taller, slimmer. You can’t eat sweets before eating, ruin your appetite and don’t want to eat healthy food, often go in for sports, this will give you harmony and endurance, drink a lot of fluids, it will make you more vigorous, and also the most important habit: study. You will study all your life in kindergarten at school at work, etc. This gives you knowledge about the environment. By following all these rules, your life will be much better.