Our time. Many animals do not have a home. Many people simply kicked them out. Although they could give them away in good hands. Thousands of dogs and cats die every day, and all of these deaths are usually associated with Drugs. Why do people even dare I say throw away used syringes to drug addicts. We all understand that they are drug addicts, but it should be stopped. For this we must make a special school who can then think it's funny, but when you think We all want the animals to be with us. But if you think about what we give them, we are with them to do so. And then the animals - loyal creatures, they trust us, they think we do not hurt. But life is not a fairy tale, once the street dog died. Have you ever wondered which is why, of course not, you do not matter, what happened to her, you just bypass. Every life is important no matter who it is or what it is alive. And I will not let that they died. Drugs is harmful to all living creatures. Think about it I do not care, they are listed as endangered. It is a living creature.
Our time. Many animals do not have a home. Many people simply kicked them out. Although they could give them away in good hands. Thousands of dogs and cats die every day, and all of these deaths are usually associated with Drugs. Why do people even dare I say throw away used syringes to drug addicts. We all understand that they are drug addicts, but it should be stopped. For this we must make a special school who can then think it's funny, but when you think We all want the animals to be with us. But if you think about what we give them, we are with them to do so. And then the animals - loyal creatures, they trust us, they think we do not hurt. But life is not a fairy tale, once the street dog died. Have you ever wondered which is why, of course not, you do not matter, what happened to her, you just bypass. Every life is important no matter who it is or what it is alive. And I will not let that they died. Drugs is harmful to all living creatures. Think about it I do not care, they are listed as endangered. It is a living creature.
москва расположена в центральной части восточно-европейской равнины, в центре московской области.
московская область граничит:
на севере и северо-западе с тверской областью,
на северо-востоке – с ярославской,
на востоке – с владимирской,
на юго-востоке – с рязанской,
на юге – с тульской,
на юго-западе – с калужской,
на западе – со смоленской областями.
рельеф москвы в основном равнинный.
климатические особенности
климат москвы – умеренно континентальный, является переходным от мягкого европейского к резкоконтинентальному азиатскому.
континентальность возрастает с северо-запада на юго-восток.
всего в россии выделяют 4 условные климатические зоны:
i - включает в себя юг россии (тропическая зона);
ii - запад и северо-запад страны, территория приморья (субтропическая зона);
iii - южные районы сибири и часть дальнего востока (умеренная зона);
iv - якутия, северная сибирь, северные районы дальнего востока (полярная зона).