This is what Moscow teenagers told a TV park guide about tv services in Russia.Вот что московские подростки рассказали гиду ТВ парка об услугах телевидения в России. This is what Moscow teenagers told a "TV park" guide about TV services in Russia. Вот что московские подростки рассказали обозревателю журнала "ТВ парк" об услугах телевидения в России.This is what Moscow teenagers told the "TV park guide" about TV services in Russia. Вот что московские подростки рассказали журналисту "TV Park Guide" об услугах телевидения в России. Перевод сильно зависит от знаков препинания, которыми вы пренебрегли.
How are you? I hope you are free this weekend , I have a tempting offer for you
I have a great idea what to do this Saturday at 2 pm . We are going to a symphony concert , I was there and I really liked it , they will play Beethoven ! There will be:flutes, oboes, clarinet, tuba, crackling drums, rattling cymbals, many other percussion and noise instruments , harp and grand piano.
in general, the concert will be large-scale. The musicians came from Russia.
We will meet at 11 am near the bus stop and go from there to the city , have a snack in a cafe , because the concert will last 1.5 hours , we will be hungry . after the concert, we can take a walk in the park , the weather will be good , we will ride on the rides. It's going to be a busy day.
is this a great idea ? what do you think about a great weekend ? I am very much waiting for an answer !
This is what Moscow teenagers told a "TV park" guide about TV services in Russia. Вот что московские подростки рассказали обозревателю журнала "ТВ парк" об услугах телевидения в России.This is what Moscow teenagers told the "TV park guide" about TV services in Russia. Вот что московские подростки рассказали журналисту "TV Park Guide" об услугах телевидения в России. Перевод сильно зависит от знаков препинания, которыми вы пренебрегли.
How are you? I hope you are free this weekend , I have a tempting offer for you
I have a great idea what to do this Saturday at 2 pm . We are going to a symphony concert , I was there and I really liked it , they will play Beethoven ! There will be:flutes, oboes, clarinet, tuba, crackling drums, rattling cymbals, many other percussion and noise instruments , harp and grand piano.
in general, the concert will be large-scale. The musicians came from Russia.
We will meet at 11 am near the bus stop and go from there to the city , have a snack in a cafe , because the concert will last 1.5 hours , we will be hungry . after the concert, we can take a walk in the park , the weather will be good , we will ride on the rides. It's going to be a busy day.
is this a great idea ? what do you think about a great weekend ? I am very much waiting for an answer !