1. a) 1. The farm workers have completed (активный залог, present perfect) the automatic shearing of the sheep. - Рабочие на ферме довели до совершенства автоматическую стрижку овец 2. Scientists are trying (активный залог, present continuous) to improve agricultural machinery. - Учёные пытаются усовершенствовать сельскохозяйственные машины б) 1. Harvesting was mechanized (пассивный залог, past simple) all round.- Cбор урожая был повсюду механизирован 2. Petrol lubrication is used (пассивный залог, present simple) in small two-stroke engines.- Смазка бензином используется в маленьких двух-тактных двигателях (Всё, дальше не сделаю, слишком большое задание)
1. Nobody can choose their parents and relatives. They are given to you by the God. But you can choose your friends according to your tastes or character. 2. Blood ties are stronger than any other ties. You understand the problems of your relatives better than others. 3. Sons are less interested in parents ' affairs and problems while daughters are more emotional and take care of their parents all their life long. Sons naturally take care of their own families because they are the heads of their families. 4. С глаз долой- из сердца вон. When you don't see a person ( but not your parents or relatives) for a long time you begin forgetting him or her. The more you see him or her the more you love. While time passes you think about this person less and sometimes forget him. 5. Very often son looks like his father because father brings him up and he is a bright example of a man. Sons always want to act like their fathers.
a) 1. The farm workers have completed (активный залог, present perfect) the automatic shearing of the sheep. - Рабочие на ферме довели до совершенства автоматическую стрижку овец
2. Scientists are trying (активный залог, present continuous) to improve agricultural machinery. - Учёные пытаются усовершенствовать сельскохозяйственные машины
б) 1. Harvesting was mechanized (пассивный залог, past simple) all round.- Cбор урожая был повсюду механизирован
2. Petrol lubrication is used (пассивный залог, present simple) in small two-stroke engines.- Смазка бензином используется в маленьких двух-тактных двигателях
(Всё, дальше не сделаю, слишком большое задание)
2. Blood ties are stronger than any other ties. You understand the problems of your relatives better than others.
3. Sons are less interested in parents ' affairs and problems while daughters are more emotional and take care of their parents all their life long. Sons naturally take care of their own families because they are the heads of their families.
4. С глаз долой- из сердца вон.
When you don't see a person ( but not your parents or relatives) for a long time you begin forgetting him or her. The more you see him or her the more you love. While time passes you think about this person less and sometimes forget him.
5. Very often son looks like his father because father brings him up and he is a bright example of a man. Sons always want to act like their fathers.