Foreign manufacturers must be prepared for difficulties. Each country has its own characteristics in the cultural and legal terms. First of all, the foreign manufacturer must take into account consumer preferences of the local population. For consumers, it is of great importance not only to product quality but also the price. Therefore, to attract buyers, I would advise foreign manufacturers, product presentation and arrange to hold a promotional period. This will allow consumers to get acquainted with brand new products, and the manufacturer will provide advertising and product reviews. Also, I would advise companies to develop a website where users can find all the needed information, namely, the range of goods and reviews about them. It is also a great advantage for the company will be selling home appliances over the Internet, as more than half of consumers prefer to shop online. должно быть верным, хоть я не мастер
должно быть верным, хоть я не мастер
Рубль - основная денежная единица в России. Она бывает как в виде бумажной купюры, так и в форме монеты.
Эта валюта претерпела множество измений, начиная от ее вида и заканчивая своей ценностью.
В настоящее время рубль сильно утратил свою ценнность и уступает доллару и евро.
Помимо Российского рубля, существует также и Белорусский рубль.
Существует множество версий происхождения слова «рубль». Основные расходятся в деталях, но сходятся в том, что однокоренным является глагол «рубить».
The ruble is the main monetary unit in Russia. It can be either in the form of a paper bill, or in the form of a coin.
This currency has undergone many changes, ranging from its type and ending with its value.
Currently, the ruble has greatly lost its value and is inferior to the dollar and the euro.
In addition to the Russian ruble, there is also the Belarusian ruble.
There are many versions of the origin of the word "ruble". The main ones differ in details, but agree that the verb “chop” is one-root.