people cant live without food. it makes us strong, gives us the energy we need for physical activity and helps us to grow. we eat meat and fish, dairy products and cereals. we also must eat fruit and vegetables because they give us vitamins and minerals.
we're also offered organic food which is natural food and genetically modified food. some say that growing GM food is necessary as the world's population is growing fast. however, other people find GM foods unhealthy and even danherious for those who eat them.
i think the best food is home-cooked food. food cooked at home s healthier and much cheaper. taking care of our own health we can prepare and eat the right food. we should always remember the proverb "Good health is above wealth"
Fast food restaurant chains such as McDonalds have become increasingly popular due to the quick availability of food they offer. They are often frequented by families with young children and teenagers looking for a quick snack. The food is competitively priced, so that even those on a tight budget will not walk away empty handed. However, Mcdonalds has come under fire in the last few years for encouraging unhealthy eating, leading to obesity within its clientele.
For example, the documentary film 'Supersize me' illustrates the adverse effects of junk food on the body.
Mcdonalds has already begun to alter its menu to include more healthy options such as salads and even fruit in their Happy Meals which are targeted at children.
However, they could be doing more. If McDonalds is serious about improving their service, they should cut down on the amount of additives and sugars added to their products. Removing fructose syrup and e-numbers would be a great start.
If I could add one thing to their menu it would be a range of baked potatoes with healthy toppings.
people cant live without food. it makes us strong, gives us the energy we need for physical activity and helps us to grow. we eat meat and fish, dairy products and cereals. we also must eat fruit and vegetables because they give us vitamins and minerals.
we're also offered organic food which is natural food and genetically modified food. some say that growing GM food is necessary as the world's population is growing fast. however, other people find GM foods unhealthy and even danherious for those who eat them.
i think the best food is home-cooked food. food cooked at home s healthier and much cheaper. taking care of our own health we can prepare and eat the right food. we should always remember the proverb "Good health is above wealth"
Fast food restaurant chains such as McDonalds have become increasingly popular due to the quick availability of food they offer. They are often frequented by families with young children and teenagers looking for a quick snack. The food is competitively priced, so that even those on a tight budget will not walk away empty handed. However, Mcdonalds has come under fire in the last few years for encouraging unhealthy eating, leading to obesity within its clientele.
For example, the documentary film 'Supersize me' illustrates the adverse effects of junk food on the body.
Mcdonalds has already begun to alter its menu to include more healthy options such as salads and even fruit in their Happy Meals which are targeted at children.
However, they could be doing more. If McDonalds is serious about improving their service, they should cut down on the amount of additives and sugars added to their products. Removing fructose syrup and e-numbers would be a great start.
If I could add one thing to their menu it would be a range of baked potatoes with healthy toppings.