Law: basic terms I) The following terms introduce you to the law and basic legal terminology. Below are the definitions. Find the definition for each term.
authority court govern judge law enforcement agency lawyers legal action legal system legislation rule the judiciary tribunal
1. a body that is appointed to make a judgement or inquiry tribunal
2. a country's body of judges
3. an act or acts passed by a law-making body
4. behaviour recognized by a community as binding or enforceable by authority
5. legalproceedings
6. an official body that has authority to try criminals, resolve disputes, or make other legal decisions
7. an organization responsible for enforcing the law, especially the police
8. a senior official in a court of law
9. the body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by established process
10. the control resulting from following a community's system of rules
11. members of the legal profession
12. to rule a society and control the behaviour of its members
Lawyer is a wide term which refers to all professionals working in the legal profession; it does not refer to a specific job.
Nowadays we live fast. We always go running to everywhere. We are really busy, we work, we have children, we do housework, we study and we have an intense (1) _ social life .
We don´t have enough time for us and finally we have bad eating habits because it is faster to cook a hamburger than to cook a good (2) ___ stew . It is faster to eat a sandwich than to eat a big salad.
A lot of times we need to eat out and fast food is cheaper or we often go out with friends and we eat too much and we drink alcohol. Also, in these days, there are all kinds of food in the supermarkets, food with a lot of (3) ___ calories like pizzas, chocolates, ice-creams, cakes, buns or chips. Young people like this type of food very much. But they are (4) ___ consuming a lot of calories in a few grams. And they can become (5) __ overweight .
On the other hand, at present we have more information about what´s better to eat or what´s worse to eat. There are (6) ___ advertising ___ campaigns about eating fruits and vegetables, fish, low (7) __ fat food, etc.
Khreshatyk Street is the symbol of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, isn't it?
The symbol of how city is Khreshatyk street?
2. When did it become the main street of the city?
What street is become the main street of the city?
Did It become the main street of the city 200 years ago?
3. Can the families stroll in the street with their children.
With who can the families stroll in the street?
The families can stroll in the street with their children, aren't they?
4. How people do travel along its pavements?
Thousands of people travel along its pavements, aren't they?
Do thousands of people do along its pavements?