Leisure activity isn't just for fun,’ says a University of Florida psychologist who has developed a scale that classifies hobbies based on needs they satisfy in people. The scale can help people find more personal fulfilment by giving them insight into what they really like. ‘The surprising thing is that activities you might think are very different have similar effects on people,’ said Howard EA Tinsley, and UF psychology professor who developed the measurement.' Probably no one would consider acting to have the same characteristics as roller-skating or playing baseball, but men and women who act as a hobby report feeling an intense sense of belonging to a group, much the same way others do in playing sports.’ And activities providing the strongest sense of comрetition are not sports, but card, arcade and computer games, he found. Participating in soccer satisfies our desire for a sense of 'belonging' and coin collecting and baking fulfil their need for creativity. ‘With so many people in jobs they dont care for, leisure is a prized aspеt of people's lives,’ Tinsley said. "Yet it's not something psychologists really study. Economists tell us how much money people spend skiing, but nobody explains why skiing really appeals to people. Or how one activity relates to another, perhaps in unexpected ways," Tinsley said. 'Fishing, generally considered more of an outdoor recreational activity, for example, is a form of self-expression like quilting or stamp collecting, beсause it gives people the opportunity to express some aspect of their personality by doing something completely different from their daily routine ,' he said.
Both acting and roller-skating give people a strong feeling of being part of a team.
Taking part in sports gives you the strongest desire to win.
Collecting things satisfies people's desire for making things.
Researchers already know why a hobby attracts a person.
Fishing allows you to show the type of person you are.
Match the words/phrases with one of the underlined words /phrases in the text.
6. a strong feeling
Taking part
desire to win
satisfies people's desire for making things
type of person you are
Modern man can not imagine life without a computer. I hope students and students will be able to understand me like no other. First, you can quickly find the information we need on the Internet. Special programs assist in the processing of files and documents. In a computer network can also be necessary to use additional study materials. One should not forget that all the artistic, scientific and journalistic literature can be found through one keystroke , without leaving home . This saves time , which sometimes is lacking . That is, we can safely say that the computer - it is certainly one person. But helping people , soulless machinery can cause great harm. How then , you ask? Explain.Computer network gradually tightens person virtual world , thereby depriving him of living communion with others. This , in my opinion , the most urgent problem of our time, especially among teenagers. Many rarely rise to fresh air , spending his life at the monitors .There are no less important problems associated with the computer. The main disadvantage of human-computer communication - is deteriorating health both mental and physical . Long pastime for computer leads to disease of the spine and eyes.
1. Он пытался остаться незамеченным.
2. Он думает о том, чтобы уйти с работы и уехать за рубеж.
3. Мальчиков наказали за то, чо они разбили окно.
4. Мне работать неохота, не пойти ли лучше в бар?
5. Из за дождя рабочие не могут завершить сбою работу.
6. Сегодня ужасная погода. Я не виню тебя за то, чо ты не хочешь идти на праздник.
7. У ученика есть веская причина для опоздания.
8. Он рассказал очень смешную шутку. Мы смеялись до упаду.
9. Я с удовольствием встречусь с тобой когда я буду в городе в следующий раз.
10. Я ненавижу романтические кинофильмы.
1. Мой знакомый предложил поухаживать за моим котом пока меня не было в городе.
2. Я пытаюсь найти высоко-оплачиваемую работу.
3. Легко купиться на его враньё.
4. Тебе необходимо помыть твою собаку.
5. Охранник заметил, что подозрительный человек вошел в банк.
6. Согласно табличке на двери ресторана, посетителям не разрешется войти без рубашки и без ботинок.
7. Пусть это тебе будет наукой!
8. От писателей ожидается знание современных проблем.
9. Я бы хотел услышать твоё мнение на эту тему.
10. Качество алмазов из копей Западной Якутии ничем не уступает всемирно-известным алмазам добываемым в копях Южной Африки.
11. Я слышал, как он об этом говорил учителю.
12. Короче говоря, Генеральный Директор с нетерпением ждет его увольнения.