Лексика Задание 2
Закончите предложения, выбрав слово из рамки, подходящее по смыслу.
fascinating, rarely, stranger, cheerful, source,
failure, whisper, author, cheer, fascinate,
rare, strange, fail.
1. As you know, your success or means very little to me.
2. It does me good to see a face.
3. Success in sport is a of national pride.
4. The dogs barked at the .
5. It is known very little about the 's childhood.
6. She's a creature of beauty.
7. You can tell your masters that I have ed in my experiments.
8. The idea of travelling through time s me.
9. I'm troubled by his behaviour.
10. Meanwhile, they ed behind my back... "Do you know why the boy's not dead?"
11. up - these problems have a way of working out.
12. The windows are or never opened.
13. The details of everyday life can be .
автобус bus [bʌs]
такси taxi ['tæksi]
поезд train [treɪn]
автомобиль car / auto / autombile [kɑ:(r)] / ['ɔ:təʊ] / ['ɔ:təməbi:l]
мотоцикл motorcycle / motorbike ['məʊtəsaɪkl] / ['məʊtəbaɪk]
метро subway / underground ['sʌbweɪ] / [,ʌndə'ɡraʊnd]
снегоход snowmobile ['snəʊmə,bi:l]
троллейбус trolleybus ['trɒlibʌs]
трамвай tram [træm]
междугородний автобус coach [kəʊtʃ]
грузовик lorry / truck ['lɒri] / [trʌk]
велосипед bike / bicycle [baɪk] / ['bʌɪsɪk(ə)l]
тележка, фургон wagon ['wægən]
Водный транспорт
корабль ship [ʃɪp]
пароход steamer
steamship ['sti:,mər]
паром ferry ['feri]
лодка boat [bəʊt]
теплоход motor ship ['məʊtə(r) ʃɪp]
яхта yacht [jɒt]
судно vessel ['vesəl]
Воздушный транспорт
самолёт plane / airplane [pleɪn] / ['eəpleɪn]
вертолёт helicopter ['helɪ,kɒptər]
воздушный шар balloon / aerostat [bə'lu:n] / ['ɛ:rəstat]
2. He has left (to leave) for London, we won't see him for a month.
3. I have read (to read) this story twice; it's very interesting.
4. The weather has changed (to change) greatly; it's so cold now.
5. We have bought (to buy) Granny a nice present for her birthday. We think she will like it.
6. It will be (to be) very warm in Yerevan this week.
7. Where's the picture? I have given (to give) it to Bob.
8. Jane isn't at home now. She has gone (to go) to the playground.
9. They have done (to do) all their work. They are free to play now.
10. Look! Somebody is breaking (to break) the window.