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ЛЕКСИКО-ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЙ ТЕСТ 1. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order:
A) Shop-assistant: Can I help you?
B) Customer: Yes, I’m looking for a jumper.
C) Shop-assistant: What colour are you looking for?
D) Customer: Blue.
E) Shop-assistant: What about this one?
F) Customer: Mm, that’s nice.
2. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order:
A) Customer: Can I try it on?
B) Shop-assistant: Yes, the changing rooms are over there.
C) Customer: It’s a bit small. Have you got something bigger?
D) Shop-assistant: What about this one?
E) Customer: No, I don’t like the colour.
3. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order:
A) Customer: Can I try it on?
B) Shop-assistant: Yes, what size are you?
C) Customer: Medium. It feels fine. I’ll have it. How much is it?
D) Shop-assistant: $ 120. How would you like to pay?
E) Customer: By credit card.
4. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order:
A) Waiter: Would you like to order now?
B) Customer: Yes. I’d like a tuna salad, please.
C) Waiter: And what would you like to drink?
D) Customer: Can I have a bottle of wine?
E) Waiter: Would you like red or white?
F) Customer: White, please.
5. Read the texts and fill in the gaps.Alice: I don’t …… clothes very often and I don’t ….. what people wear is very important. When I ….. shopping, I buy the clothes
I need and that’s all. I usually wear a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and some trainers and a jumper or a jacket when it’s cold. And I …..
buying shoes - I’ve only got three pairs!

A) buy, think, go, hate
B) go, think, hate, buy
C) hate, go, buy, think
D) think, go, buy, hate
6. Read the texts and fill in the gaps.Emma: Oh, I ….. clothes! I buy fashion magazines every week and ….. programmes about clothes on TV. And I really love shoes -
I’ve got more than fifty pairs at home. My friends and I ….. about clothes a lot and we shopping every Saturday afternoon.
What do I want to buy today? Some new shoes, of course!

A) love, watch, talk, go
B) watch, talk, go, love
C) talk, go, love, watch
D) go, love, watch, talk
7. Read the texts and fill in the gaps.Liam: I like looking good and I ….. a lot of money on clothes every year, especially shirts and ties. I’m a lawyer so what I ….. at
work is important. I ….. shopping every month, and today I …… to get some new trousers and a suit. Yes, what I wear is really
important to me - and to my girlfriend!

A) spend, wear, go, want
B) wear, go, want, spend
C) go, want, spend, wear
D) want, spend, wear, go
8. Read the text and fill in the gaps:Lots of English people ___ here. We have English shops and we ___ English newspapers. We ___ the BBC on satellite television .
We don’t have an English garden, but we have plants on the balcony. We ___ a little Spanish. We ___ to language classes every
A) read, speak, go, watch, live
B) go, speak, read, live, go
C) live, read, watch, speak, go
9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple:Rosa ___ (be) an Italian expat. She ___ (be) from Rome and ___ (live) in Brighton, a town in England. She ___ (work) in a
hospital. She ___ (live) with an English family. The family ___ (not speak) Italian.

A) is, is, lives, works, lives, doesn’t speak
B) is, was, lives, worked, lived, didn’t speak
C) is, is, live, work, live, don’t speak
10. Put the lines in the conversation into the correct order
A) How’s your new flat? Do you like it?
B) Yes, I do. It’s perfect.
C) And what about furniture? Is there any furniture?
D) Yes, I have a desk and a bed in my room.
E) Good. Your mother has some old curtains. Do you want them?
11. Choose the right variant: Do you have ___ curtains?
A) some
B) any
C) much
12. Choose the right variant: My grandfather’s watch ... made of gold.
A) was
B) are
C) were
13. Make a question: What[1], I[2], for[3], can[4], do[5], you[6]?
A) 1, 6, 4, 2, 3, 5
B) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6
C) 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6
14. Choose the right variant: No, we aren’t. We have to get home tonight.
A) Are you and Tom staying here?
B) Are you tired?
C) Are your neighbors with you?
15. Choose the right variant: Marat is very kind, …?
A) am not he
B) is he
C) isn’t he

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29.10.2021 00:36
1 a) Does he often (wake) ut at 6 o'clock in the morning? b) Is he ( waking) up now? c) Did he ( wake) up at 9 o'clock yesterday morning? d) Will he (  wake) up early tomorrow? 2. a) Who ( swims) in the river every summer? b) Who ( is swimming) in the river now? c) Who (swam) in the river last summer? d) Who (will swim) in the river next week? 3. a) With whom do they usually ( go) for a walk in the forest? b) With whom are they ( going) for a walk in the forest now? c) With whom did they ( go) for a walk in the forest the day before yesterday? d) With whom will they ( go) for a walk in the forest tomorrow afternoon?
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13.01.2022 16:50
Joanne "Jo" Rowling, better known as J. K. Rowling, is a British novelist, best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The Potter books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, sold more than 400 million copies to become the best-selling book series in history and been the basis for a popular series of films, in which Rowling had overall approval on the scripts as well as maintaining creative control by serving as a producer on the final instalment. Rowling conceived the idea for the series on a train trip from Manchester to London in 1990.
Rowling has led a "rags to riches" life story, in which she progressed from living on social security to multi-millionaire status within five years. As of March 2011, when its latest world billionaires list was published, Forbes estimated Rowling's net worth to be US$1 billion.[9] The 2008 Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowling's fortune at £560 million ($798 million), ranking her as the twelfth richest woman in the United Kingdom. Forbes ranked Rowling as the forty-eighth most powerful celebrity of 2007, and Time magazine named her as a runner-up for its 2007 Person of the Year, noting the social, moral, and political inspiration she has given her fans. In October 2010, J. K. Rowling was named 'Most Influential Woman in Britain' by leading magazine editors. She has become a notable philanthropist, supporting such charities as Comic Relief, One Parent Families, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain, and Lumos (formerly the Children's High Level Group).
On February 23, 2012, Little, Brown & Company announced it would publish Rowling's first novel for adults.
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