Летом Баркеры много путешествовали.В июле Джон и Салли были в Шотландии.Они остались с бабушкой и дедушкой на ферме .Дети отправились в Шотландию на поезде .Погода была замечательная .Было солнечно и оченьтепло .Джону и Салли очень понравилась еда в поезде. Поставить правельно предложение текста
Beethoven, a composer who became deaf at the age of 48. despite the fact that he was deaf, he composed beautiful compositions, and also played the piano Leonardo DiCaprio is a very handsome actor who always plays his roles well. he starred in Titanic. Mukhtar Auezov, famous writer, translator, philosopher. his poems carry a lot of meaning. Gennady Golovkin is a boxer from Kazakhstan. he is the pride of our country, as he won a lot of first places.
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