Українська мова
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Listen to an extract from a book and read along. the audio file is right after the text. listen carefully and write down the title of the text. don't use a full stop. you will hear the title at the beginning of the recording.

philippe was standing by his cousin’s newspaper stall when he noticed the thief. philippe knew he was a thief because his picture was in the newspapers. in fact, his picture was in every one of the newspapers that his cousin was selling at this very moment.

the square was bustling on this hot afternoon. several stalls were selling cold drinks and snacks. people were sitting in the shade of the trees around the edge. cooing pigeons strutted hopefully around the benches.

buses with dusty windows were cruising around the square. they wove their way through the never-ending flow of traffic. now and again, one stopped under the trees. its engine hummed noisily as the doors hissed open. blue-grey fumes rose into the air. their oily smell mixed with the scent of roses that drifted from the flower seller’s stall. waiting passengers pushed their way onto the bus while others left it and hurried away across the square.

nobody was taking any notice of the thief but philippe did not stop watching him.

he was difficult to recognize. he did not look exactly like his pictures because he was in disguise, but philippe knew it was him. the police were looking for this man all over the city and now, here he was, just a few metres from the newspaper stand.

he was standing at the fountain in the middle of the square. he was almost hidden by a group of tourists with clicking cameras. they chatted and laughed as they took their photos. the square was famous for the fountain. travellers to the city always took photos of the fountain with its beautiful statues and cascades of tinkling water. it was made from white marble that glistened like arctic ice. in the four corners were huge, leaping fish. water spurted from their gaping mouths and splashed into the pool. in the centre of the pool two powerful, galloping horses were pulling a magnificent chariot that was driven by a warrior of ancient times.

the thief was mingling with the tourists who were throwing seeds to the pigeons and photographing the elegant buildings around the square. philippe thought about getting closer. he took a few steps forward.

“hey! ” philippe heard his cousin’s voice. “aren’t we going to the match? i’ll finish here soon.”

philippe nodded and looked back at the man who was sliding a small camera from his pocket. he took several photos of the square. while philippe was watching, he realized that one building particularly interested the thief. it had six white columns at the front. broad steps led up to the massive, wooden doors and a blue and gold flag was flying above the vast entrance. it was certainly a beautiful building and a good one to photograph. it used to belong to a duke. now, it was the city bank.

philippe frowned and stared harder at the man. just then, the group of tourists hurried away towards their bus. startled pigeons took off in a cloud of grey. the thief was suddenly alone.

as if he felt philippe’s eyes on him, the man turned towards the fountain. an ice-cream seller pushed his cart across the square and stopped in front of the fountain. philippe could no longer see the man. when the ice-cream seller moved

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My favourite town
I live in a wonderful, beautiful town. I love it very much. The name of my town is (город)

I have arrived to live in this town recently. I have lived in (город) before. (город )differs from big cities greatly. It is small and quiet. Life is measured, calm and kind. Everyone knows each other. People are kind, beautiful, native, close in my town. You don`t feel lonely here, as a rule it happens in big cities.

There are a library, a cinema, a palace of culture, a museum, a big sports hall and five schools in my town. Also there is a swimming pool in the sports hall. Children of my city like to visit it. There is a very beautiful central park. It is very beautiful in spring and summer. I like to have a rest, to sit on the bench and to read a book in the park. I like to walk on foot around the city, because I like to dream about my future.(город) is a magic place, especially in the evening. There are many old houses, monuments, small and narrow streets in the town. All these things create fantastic, mysterious atmosphere. I have met my love, my husband in this town.

(город) is the best town in the earth. And when I leave from it I always miss it very much. You can`t fall in love with my town.

Я живу в прекрасному, красивому місті. Я дуже кохаю його. Назва мого міста (город).

Я приїхала жити в це місто недавно. До цього я жила в (город). . (город )дуже відрізняється від великих міст. Він маленький і тихий. Життя розмірене, спокійне і добра. Кожен знає один одного. У моєму Місті люди добрі, гарні, рідні, близькі. Ти не відчуваєш себе самотнім тут, як правило це трапляється у великих містах.

У моєму місті є бібліотека, кінотеатр, будинок культури, музей, великий спортивний зал і п'ять шкіл. Також є басейн у спортивному залі. Діти мого міста люблять відвідувати його. Є дуже гарний центральний парк. Він дуже красивий навесні і влітку. Я люблю відпочити, посидіти на лавці і почитати книгу в цьому парку. Я люблю гуляти пішки по місту, тому що я люблю мріяти про майбутнє. Котово казкове місце, особливо ввечері. Є багато старих будинків, пам'ятників, маленьких вузьких вулиць в місті. Всі ці речі створюють казкову, таємничу атмосферу. Я зустріла свою любов, свого чоловіка в цьому місті.

(название города)найкраще місто на землі. І коли я їду з нього я завжди дуже сумую за ним. Ви не зможете не полюбити моє місто.
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20.11.2020 15:48

1.These are stars.

2. These are boys.

3. These are babies.

4. Those are plates.

5. Those are flowers.

6. Those are bookshelves.

7. Are these sofas?

8. Are these bookcases?

9. Are these men?

10.  Are those balls?

11. Are those trains?

12. Are those planes?

13. Are windows open?

14. Are doors closed?

15. Are boys near the window?

16. Those aren`t kings.

17. Those aren`t  queens.

18. Those aren`t  buses.

19. These aren`t  mountains.

20. Those aren`t geese.

21. This aren`t mice.

22.  They are sheep.

23.  They are cigarettes.

24. They are cats.

25. They aren`t girls.

26. They aren`t bags.

27. They aren`t trees.

28. They aren`t bad eggs.

29. They are good eggs.

30. Are those flowers?

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