look after / carried out / look up / broke in / looking for / brought up / find out checked out / broke down / catch up with / hang up / check in / figure out get rid of / putting off / back up / let down / give up / go on / call on 1. We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, with them. 2. We're going to chat with our friend. You can hit the road. from the dangerous aliens. 3. It's not every day that you took it pretty well. 4. Debbie Pelt's parents 5. Before you go, you will 6. If the struts won't sustain the engine we need, we got to 7. I am the son of very wealthy people from the Middle West. Sadly, all of them are dead now. I was have been educated there for years. It's a family tradition. 8. - What happened, Dad? What's going on? - Truck 9. Now let's see if we can't the ponies. Make sure you stay protecting us you're responsible for three billion deaths, He of their motel, went back to Mississippi. Lord and Lady Stark and offer your sympathies. the struts. in America but educated at Oxford because all my ancestors on the highway. what you are, my little friend. 10. He left on the ferry this morning. His vacation was already planned. He'd been too long. 11. We dream and we build. We never it, we never quit. the Burj Hotel in Dubai in 36 hours. 12. Intel indicates she would 13. Nick had ignored my direct order, and on foreign soil, and saved the lives of a dozen political officers, including my daughter. 14. Could she be more out of my league? Ross, 15. Good. You can help Harry. He's going to the library to 16. Try and be a little more responsible tomorrow. -I will sir, I promise. "Not going to 17. He's going to him destroying this ship is me, so you have to let me talk to him. 18. Two men an unauthorized military operation me Nicholas Flamel. Goose". us, and when he does, the only thing that's going to stop you wearing masks, forced her to drive to the car park and decked her out in enough explosives to take down a house. 19. Oh, I'm sure he thought it wvas one of his friends. You know, men frequently call their friends' answering machines and 20. I know why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit at your computer. I was 20 times. an answer.
9 СТРЛюбимец детей часто мечтал о волшебной стране называется Неверлэнд. Они увидели stränge земли с ее лагунами, пещерами и лесами. В Неверлэнд был разным для каждого из детей. Иоанн жил в лодке перевернулась на песке. Майкл жил в вигвамах, а Венди жила в доме, выполненном из листьев сшиты вместе. Они все мечтали Питер, однако, особенно Венди. Она знала, что Питер часто приходил в детскую комнату ночью, пока они спали. Когда она рассказала матери об этом, миссис Дарлинг не верю ей. “Никто не может проникнуть в дом без стука, дорогая, - сказала миссис Дарлинг. “Я думаю, что Петр приходит в дом через окно,” сказал Венди. “Но моя любовь, окна на три этажа вверх, - улыбнулась миссис Дарлинг. “Да,” сказала Венди, - но Питер может летать.” Миссис Дарлинг была уверена, что Питер был просто сон, но на следующую ночь оказалось, что Венди не мечтал и, что Питер был настоящим.
2. Does my sister work as a lawyer?
3. Do these students take an exam today?
4. Do the emloyees of this company work on Saturday?
5. Does it take 10 minutes to get to my work?
6. Does Pete come in time?
7. Do my friends live in USA?
8. Does that student play football every day?
9. Does Mr. Bell visit his parents twice a month?
10. Does his father manage the departament?
11. Does she get up at seven o'clock?
12. Does my working day begin at 8 o'clock?
13. Do I take a bus to get to my work?
14. Does my friend's brother want to become a pilot?
15. Does my husband watch television every night?
16. Do I read newspaper every day?
17. Does her father finish his work at six o'clock?
18. Do Nick and his friend have lunch in the cafe?
19. Does the standart working day last eight hours?
20. Do we go abroad three times a year?