Look at the following ten sentences, all of which are book titles. 1. Through the process of counting the lexical verbs, how many clauses is each sentence composed of ?
a. Never let me go. (Kazuo Ishiguro)
b. Elizabeth is missing. (Emma Healey)
c. All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten. (Robert Fulghum)
d. I was told there’d be cake. (Sloane Crosley)
e. This isn’t the sort of thing that happens to someone like you. (Jon McGregor)
f. I still miss my man but my aim is getting better. (Sarah Shankman)
g. Do androids dream of electric sheep? (Philip K. Dick)
h. I have no mouth and I must scream. (Harlan Ellison)
i. You shall know our velocity. (Dave Eggers)
j. When you look like your passport photo, it’s time to go home. (Erma Bombeck)
d i g j e b f a c h
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