The Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada is only open from --- January to --- April. You can’t stay there in summer and autumn because the hotel is made of --- ice and snow and is recreated for every season. Everything inside is made of snow and ice too. There are ice rooms for --- guests, --- ice chapel, --- ice bar and even --- ice gallery with --- ice sculptures. Canada is a cold country and the temperature outside often falls as low as -30 Celsius. However, inside the hotel it’s relatively warm – the constant temperature is about -3 Celsius. People often bring kids of all ages and stay overnight. They sleep in ice rooms in --- special sleeping bags. And all types of activities like skiing, ice fishing and dog sledging are available at --- daytime.
1. I - personal pronoun , like -verb , spring- adjective, flowers - noun
2. Spring-noun, is - verb, the - article, first - adjective, season - noun, of- preposition, the - article, year- noun
3. The - article, cat- noun, springs- verb, on -preposition, the -article, mouse- noun.
4. the - article, spring - noun , of - preposition , my - pronoun, watch- noun, is- verb, broken- adjective.
5. The article, cat noun, made verb, a article, spring noun, and conjunction, caught verb, the article, mouse noun
6. Can a modal verb, you pronoun, put verb, a article, botton noun, on preposition, my pronoun, coat noun
7. I pronoun, can't a modal verb, botton verb, my pronoun, coat noun; it pronoun, is verb ,too adverb, tight adjective
8. I pronoun, want verb, you pronoun, to copy verb, these demonstrative adjective , notes noun, in preposition, your pronoun, book noun.
9. Make verb, a article, copy noun, of preposition, these demonstrative adjective, orders noun.
10. The article, child noun, is verb, going verb, cross adjective, the article, road noun.
11. If coordinating conjunction, you pronoun, can't a modal verb, write verb, your pronoun, name noun, put verb, a article, cross noun.
12. Meet verb, me pronoun, at preposition, the article, cross-roads noun.
13. This demonstrative pronoun, is verb, the article, Crown Prince noun, of preposition, Ruritania noun.
14. He pronoun, wears verb, a article ,crown noun, on preposition, his pronoun, head noun.
15. They pronoun, crown verb, the article, kings noun, of preposition, England noun, in preposition, Westminster Abbey noun.
16. I pronoun, have verb, half-a-crown noun, in preposition, my pronoun, pocket noun.
17. I pronoun, haven't verb, any pronoun, doubt noun, about preposition, the article, result noun.
18. I pronoun, doubt verb, whether conjunction, you pronoun, can a modal verb, do verb, this adjective, work noun.
19. The article, boy noun, is verb, a article, very adverb, hard adjective, worker noun.
20. You pronoun, must a modal verb, work verb, hard adverb.