Look at the sentences and answer the questions.
1 In the future, cities waste will be used to produce
This technology is already used nowadays.
a. What is the difference between these sentences?
b. Do you remember any similar patterns? (like:
"Most houses were made of wood in the past")
c. How is Future Simple Passive formed? (check
yourself with the information in the Grammar
Reference section).
Dear Pavel,
My family is very friendly. We always help each other. We all love each other and cannot do without each other. My mum always helps me with some advice connected with my classmates. Dad helps me to solve the most difficult tasks from the textbook on Mathematics. I'm really looking forward to my summer holiday because I will be able to spend my time as I'd like. I have so many plans and ideas. I will read a lot, go for walks, ride the bike because I did not have time to do it all during the school year. We want to go to the Black Sea together with mum and dad. We will enjoy our rest on the sea coast.
How are you going to spend the summer holiday? Will you go to the seaside during the holiday? What are you planning to do?
Write soon.
Best wishes,
Перевод;Вы постучали в его дверь?
ответ:Yes,I did.
Did you stay in the house?
Перевод;Вы остались в доме?
ответ:Yes,I did.
Did you talk about your holiday?
Перевод;Вы говорили о своём празднике?
ответ:No,I didn't.
Did you he tell you any jokes?
Перевод;Он рассказывал вам аникдоты?
ответ:Yes,I did.
Did you have dinner with him?
Перевод;Вы поужинали с ним?
ответ:Oh sure,I did.
Did you watch TV?
Перевод;Ты смотрел телевизор/
ответ:No,I didn't.
Did he show you his things?
Перевод;Он показывал вам свои вещи?
ответ:No,I didn't.
Did you play any games?
Перевод;Ты играл в игры?
ответ:No,I didn't.
Did you go to the yard?
Перевод:Вы отправились во двор?
ответ:Yes,I did.
Did you walk in the streets?
Перевод;Ты разговаривала с ним на улице?
ответ:No,I didn't.