The manager of a supermarket overheard a man who was boasting about how much he had been stealing from the store. When the man came in the next day, the manager followed him around. The man bought a lot of things, and stood in a queue under the sign where was written that shoplifters should be prosecuted.Then he paid for everything and loaded his cart. After that he rolled the cart to his car and put the packets into it. In the weeks that followed the man often came to the shop, loaded his cart with packets and tins and boxes. Each time he paid for every single item. Finally, the manager came up to him and said that he had been watching a man like a hawk.The manager added that he had never seen the man(him) pocket one thing.The manager continued that the man had never hidden anything under his coat and the man had paid for every item he had bought. The manager promised that he wouldn't say a word to anyone. The manager said that he would give the man a hundred dollars if the man told the manager what he was stealing.The man smiled and replied that those were shopping carts.
Proper serving is always a sign of attention to the guests, a way to create a festive atmosphere, as well as an indicator of artistic taste of the hostess.
It is for this purpose that the rules of table service were invented. In everyday life, follow all these rules only on the most solemn occasions, but once learned their essence, it will be possible with their own hands to set the table on any occasion - from a romantic dinner to a family celebration of the New Year.
Decide on the number of people, draw up a menu, put the tablecloth in order, check the quantity and quality of napkins, dishes, cutlery, think through the decor.
On the day of the reception you need to wipe all dishes and utensils clean, and then set the table
перевела СВОЙ текст при переводчика
Правильная сервировка – это всегда знак внимания к гостям создать праздничную атмосферу, а также показатель художественного вкуса хозяйки.
Исходя из этой цели и были придуманы правила сервировки стола. В повседневной жизни соблюдать все эти правила нужно только в самых торжественных случаях, но один раз усвоив их суть, можно будет своими руками накрывать на стол по любому случаю – от романтичного ужина до семейного празднования Нового года.
Определиться с количеством персон, составить меню, привести в порядок скатерть, проверить количество и качество салфеток, посуды, приборов, продумать декор.
В день приема гостей нужно протереть всю посуду и приборы начисто, а затем накрывать стол.
In the weeks that followed the man often came to the shop, loaded his cart with packets and tins and boxes. Each time he paid for every single item. Finally, the manager came up to him and said that he had been watching a man like a hawk.The manager added that he had never seen the man(him) pocket one thing.The manager continued that the man had never hidden anything under his coat and the man had paid for every item he had bought. The manager promised that he wouldn't say a word to anyone. The manager said that he would give the man a hundred dollars if the man told the manager what he was stealing.The man smiled and replied that those were shopping carts.
Proper serving is always a sign of attention to the guests, a way to create a festive atmosphere, as well as an indicator of artistic taste of the hostess.
It is for this purpose that the rules of table service were invented. In everyday life, follow all these rules only on the most solemn occasions, but once learned their essence, it will be possible with their own hands to set the table on any occasion - from a romantic dinner to a family celebration of the New Year.
- Tablecloth - Plates - Cutlery - Glasses - Napkins - Decor (vase with flowers, candles, themed decorations).
Decide on the number of people, draw up a menu, put the tablecloth in order, check the quantity and quality of napkins, dishes, cutlery, think through the decor.
On the day of the reception you need to wipe all dishes and utensils clean, and then set the table
перевела СВОЙ текст при переводчика
Правильная сервировка – это всегда знак внимания к гостям создать праздничную атмосферу, а также показатель художественного вкуса хозяйки.
Исходя из этой цели и были придуманы правила сервировки стола. В повседневной жизни соблюдать все эти правила нужно только в самых торжественных случаях, но один раз усвоив их суть, можно будет своими руками накрывать на стол по любому случаю – от романтичного ужина до семейного празднования Нового года.
Скатерть – Тарелки – Столовые приборы – Бокалы – Салфетки – Декор (ваза с цветами, свечи, тематические украшения).
Определиться с количеством персон, составить меню, привести в порядок скатерть, проверить количество и качество салфеток, посуды, приборов, продумать декор.
В день приема гостей нужно протереть всю посуду и приборы начисто, а затем накрывать стол.