It's really hard to decide which sport is the most popular. I think it is either hockey or football. Both of them has millions of fans in our country. I guess, people like to watch it because you somehow can relate to the game. You should cheere team up, when they are on the field, and it makes you feel like you are part of the process of winning. As you know there was Olympic games in our country not long ago. And I discovered this sport called curling. Turned out it is really interesting to watch. At the beginning I could not understand, what the rules are. But after I've watched like three or four rounds, I saw, that this game is not only. sport, but also is very intellectual. You had to see how you stone would go beforehand, should know how much strength you need to put in this throw and stuff like that. My favorite sportman is Maria Sharapova. She is awesome tennis player. She had serious trauma couple of years ago, but she is really determinated that she wants to play. So she always tries to achieve her goals no matter what. I admire these qualities. I think for me it is tennis. I've benn practicing since I was 6. And pretty much all my family does play tennis. My mother is really excellent player. So when we go somewhere on vacations we always rent a tennis court there, so we could play everyday. I think I like tennis so much well because I'm good in it and it is like our family activity.
Snow leopard, or irbis is listed in the Red book as "endangered"
IRBIS belongs to poorly studied species. The habitat of the snow leopard includes parts of the territories of 13 States: Afghanistan, Burma, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. Among big cats the snow leopard is the only permanent inhabitant of the highlands, and represents the majestic, mysterious and harsh world of the mountains of Central Asia. The survival of this rare cat in severely disturbed and degrading mountain ecosystems is extremely difficult or even impossible, so the preservation of viable populations of the snow leopard is inevitably associated with effective protection of its habitat as a whole. Also in the mountains there is an active poaching and hunting for the skins of these beautiful animals.
Снежный барс, или ирбис занесен в Красную книгу как «находящийся под угрозой исчезновения».
Ирбис принадлежит к слабо изученным видам.Место обитания ирбиса включают в себя части территорий 13 государств: Афганистана, Бирмы, Бутана, Индии, Казахстана, Киргизстана, Китая, Монголии, Непала, Пакистана, России, Таджикистана, Узбекистана. Среди крупных кошачьих ирбис - единственный постоянный обитатель высокогорий, олицетворяет собой величественный, загадочный и суровый мир гор Центральной Азии. Выживание этой редкой кошки в сильно нарушенных и пришедших в упадок горных экосистемах крайне затруднительно или невозможно, соответственно сохранение жизне популяций ирбиса неизбежно сопряжено с эффективной охраной среды его обитания в целом.Также в горах идет активное браконьерство и охота за шкурами этих прекрасных животных.
Snow leopard, or irbis is listed in the Red book as "endangered"
IRBIS belongs to poorly studied species. The habitat of the snow leopard includes parts of the territories of 13 States: Afghanistan, Burma, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. Among big cats the snow leopard is the only permanent inhabitant of the highlands, and represents the majestic, mysterious and harsh world of the mountains of Central Asia. The survival of this rare cat in severely disturbed and degrading mountain ecosystems is extremely difficult or even impossible, so the preservation of viable populations of the snow leopard is inevitably associated with effective protection of its habitat as a whole. Also in the mountains there is an active poaching and hunting for the skins of these beautiful animals.
Снежный барс, или ирбис занесен в Красную книгу как «находящийся под угрозой исчезновения».
Ирбис принадлежит к слабо изученным видам.Место обитания ирбиса включают в себя части территорий 13 государств: Афганистана, Бирмы, Бутана, Индии, Казахстана, Киргизстана, Китая, Монголии, Непала, Пакистана, России, Таджикистана, Узбекистана. Среди крупных кошачьих ирбис - единственный постоянный обитатель высокогорий, олицетворяет собой величественный, загадочный и суровый мир гор Центральной Азии. Выживание этой редкой кошки в сильно нарушенных и пришедших в упадок горных экосистемах крайне затруднительно или невозможно, соответственно сохранение жизне популяций ирбиса неизбежно сопряжено с эффективной охраной среды его обитания в целом.Также в горах идет активное браконьерство и охота за шкурами этих прекрасных животных.