The story focuses on a family of anthropomorphic rabbits, the widowed mother rabbit cautioning her young against entering a vegetable garden grown by a man named Mr. McGregor, telling them: "your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor". Whereas her three daughters obediently refrain from entering the garden, going down the lane to pick blackberries, her rebellious son Peter enters the garden to snack on some vegetables. Peter ends up eating more than is good for him and goes looking for parsley to cure his stomach ache. However, Peter is spotted by Mr. McGregor and loses his jacket and shoes while trying to escape. He hides in a watering can in a shed, but then has to run away again when Mr. McGregor finds him, and ends up completely lost. After sneaking past a cat, Peter sees the gate where he entered the garden from a distance and heads for it, despite being spotted and chased by Mr. McGregor again. He finds difficulties in wriggling beneath the gate, but manages to escape the garden, only to spot his abandoned clothing articles being used to dress Mr. McGregor's scarecrow. After returning home, a sick Peter is sent to bed by his mother whereas his well-behaved sisters receive a sumptuous dinner of milk and berries as opposed to Peter's supper of chamomile tea.
In our time, fur became very valuable. Poachers seek from the fur of various animals that beautiful coat. Because of the cruelty of people, many animals die and with each passing day it becomes less and less. Idin of these animals ounce. Irbis is very short. Its wool is very expensive. But I think that because of the fur is not necessary to kill animals.
В наше время мех стал очень ценным . Браконьеры мех добивают от разных животных , которых красивая шерсть. Из за жестокости людей многие животные погибают и их с каждым днем становится все меньше и меньше. Идин из таких животных ирбис. Ирбисов осталось очень мало. Его шерсть очень дорогая . Но я думаю что из из шуб не стоит убивать животных.
В наше время мех стал очень ценным . Браконьеры мех добивают от разных животных , которых красивая шерсть. Из за жестокости людей многие животные погибают и их с каждым днем становится все меньше и меньше. Идин из таких животных ирбис. Ирбисов осталось очень мало. Его шерсть очень дорогая . Но я думаю что из из шуб не стоит убивать животных.