Make questions to the answers. Составь вопрос к предложенным ответам 1.
Mum usually has some soup for lunch.
He always wakes up at 6 o’clock.
She often walks to work.
He often plays football in his free time.
I usually go to bed at eleven o’clock.Быстр
Acid rain 1) Problem The problem starts here. Cars burn gasoline, factories and power plants burn coal and emit toxic fumes. Thus, the air that we breathe is polluted. 2) Acid rain pollution contamination is collected in the clouds with water and oxygen in the atmosphere, it becomes acid. Winds are polluted clouds over large distances, far 1) When there is rain, the pollution lands on trees, buildings, houses, cars, clothes, everywhere! It is called acid rain, 2) There are actually 'acid mist', 'snow' and 'rain and snow' in the same way! 3) Water and soil pollution When acid rain falls into lakes, streams, rivers and the sea, they become toxic. This is - water pollution, and it hurts, kills or destroys fish and plant species. When acid rain flows through the soil, it poisons the trees and plants. Acid rain 3) causes serious damage to important buildings and sites 4) Good news Good news - that the government tried to reduce the air pollution that causes acid dozhd.4) .. industries have used new technology for some time to help make the factory smoke less harmful to the environment. But we must do more! We can help reduce the amount of acid rain through 5) cars less or using solar energy to heat our homes.
Перевод на русском:
Я очень любознательный и общительный человек, мне нравится узнавать и рассказывать о происходящих событиях, меня всегда интересуют мнения людей о каких-либо проблемах. Постоянное общение, как со сверстниками, так и с взрослыми для меня очень важно. Кроме этого, я люблю писать рассказы, сочинять небольшие заметки, и уже опубликовала несколько работ. Поэтому ответ на вопрос «Кем я хочу работать?» для меня давно найден: я хочу заниматься журналистикой, и считаю это своим призванием, только пока не решила, куда пойду ‒ на телевидение, в журнал или газету. Профессия журналиста нравится мне по многим причинам. Во-первых, это очень интересное занятие, лишенное однообразия и монотонности, потому что темы, на которые пишут журналисты, могут быть самыми разными. Эту работу никак не назовешь скучной, ведь журналист должен быть готов к любым неожиданностям, например, получить задание и уехать на край света. Еще меня очень привлекает возможность часто ездить в разные города и страны, общаться с интересными людьми. Во-вторых, журналисты могут добиться справедливости, если произошел конфликт, а так же оказать попавшему в трудную ситуацию человеку, привлекая к его проблеме внимание большого количества людей. В-третьих, если я стану журналистом, это мне осуществить мою мечту: я очень хочу выпускать собственное печатное издание или телепередачу для молодежной аудитории. Обсуждать там можно будет самые разные вопросы: о моде, путешествиях, музыке, а также беседовать об отношениях, психологии, учебе и о многих других темах.
Перевод на Английский:
I'm very curious and sociable person, I like to learn and tell about the events, I am always interested in people's opinions about any problems. Constant communication, both with peers and with adults is very important to me. In addition, I love to write stories, to write small notes, and had already published several works. So the answer to the question "Who do I want to work?" I have found: I want to do journalism, and I consider it my calling, I just haven't decided where to go ‒ on TV, in a magazine or newspaper. The profession of a journalist like me for many reasons. First, it is a very interesting exercise, devoid of monotony and monotony, because the topics on which journalists write can be very different. This work can not be called boring, because the journalist must be ready for any eventuality, for example, to an urgent job and go to the end of the world. I was also very attracted by the opportunity to travel frequently to different cities and countries, to communicate with interesting people. Second, journalists can help to achieve justice, if there is a conflict, and to assist in difficult situation man, attracting to it the attention of a large number of people. Thirdly, if I become a journalist it will help me to realize my dream: I really want to produce your own printed publication or a TV show for a younger audience. Discuss there will be a variety of questions about fashion, travel, music, and...I am very inquisitive and sociable person, I like to learn and talk about current events, I am always interested in people's opinions about any problems. Constant communication, both with peers and with adults is very important to me. In addition, I love to write stories, to write small notes, and had already published several works. So the answer to the question "Who do I want to work?" I have found: I want to do journalism, and I consider it my calling, I just haven't decided where to go ‒ on TV, in a magazine or newspaper. The profession of a journalist like me for many reasons. First, it is a very interesting exercise, devoid of monotony and monotony, because the topics on which journalists write can be very different. This work can not be called boring, because the journalist must be ready for any eventuality, for example, to an urgent job and go to the end of the world. I was also very attracted by the opportunity to travel frequently to different cities and countries, to communicate with interesting people. Second, journalists can help to achieve justice, if there is a conflict, and to assist in difficult situation man, attracting to it the attention of a large number of people. Thirdly, if I become a journalist it will help me to realize my dream: I really want to produce your own printed publication or a TV show for a younger audience. Discuss there will be a variety of questions about fashion, travel, music, and also to talk about relationships, psychology, education and many other topics.