Make the false ones true.
1. Every day we tell one thousand lies.
4. Lies make people happy.
2. The lies we tell everyday do not hurt anybody.
5. People want to know what kind of cabbage was
3. People choose to lie because white lies save our lives.
c) Match the following definitions with the underlined words from the text.
1. extremely unkind
5. causing damage
2. a feeling of being unhappy
6. needing attention very soon
3. a feeling of having done something wrong
7. to be important
4. almost not
8. whole with nothing missing
d) Read the text and answer the following questions.
1. According to the text, what truths do the following lies hide?
• It'll be ready in an hour.
• Fresh today
• Your cheque is in the post.
• I will call you
2. Does the text reflect the reality of the role of lies in our society? Bring arguments.
3. Do you agree with the author's opinion on lies? Bring arguments.
2-нет, он учился по вечерам и выходным дням - Though he had twelve-hour working days, David studied at school during the evenings and weekends.
3-да-Livingstone was the first European to see the famous Zambezi falls, which he renamed Victoria Falls, after Queen Victoria. -это он переименовал знаменитый водопад и назвал его в честь королевы Виктории
4-да- он был первым европейцем, который лечил местное население - He had so many patients among the native people that he had to limit his treatment only to those with serious illnesses.
5- в вопросе НЕСКОЛЬКО раз, а в тексте ДВА раза, если ДВА это НЕСКОЛЬКО раз, то тогда ответ TRUE
6-не сказано о том, что он покупал рабов и делал их свободными
7-нет-Livingstone refused to leave his beloved Africa - он отказался возвращаться в Лондон
8-нет-his body was transported to London and buried in Westminster Abbey - его тело было перевезено и похоронено в Лондоне
2 In his childhood David Livingstone never attended school. - 2) False
3 David Livingstone named one of the natural wonders after the British Queen. -1) True
4 During his expeditions, David Livingstone treated the local people. -1) True
5 David Livingstone went to Africa several times. -1) True
6 David Livingstone bought slaves and made them free. - 3) Not stated
7 Henry Stanley made David Livingstone return to England. - 2) False
8 David Livingstone’s grave is in Africa. - 2) False