Make the following sentences interrogative and negative 1.tony is doing quite nicely inhis business. 2.she is constantly misproouncing this word. 3.we are discussin what cahn be done about this situation. 4.the wholo town is talking about that incident. 5.alice is always boasting about her baby daughter. 6.aunt helen is shopping at the suermarket. very
1. Tony is doing quite nicely in his business.
(?) Is Tony doing quite nicely in his business?
(-) Tony isn't doing quite nicely in his business.
2. She is constantly mispronouncing this word.
(?) Is she constantly mispronouncing this word?
(-) She isn't constantly mispronouncing this word.
3. We are discussing what can be done about this situation.
(?) Are we discussing what can be done about this situation?
(-) We aren't discussing what can be done about this situation.
4. The whole town is talking about that incident.
(?) Is the whole town talking about that incident?
(-) The whole town isn't talking about that incident.
5. Alice is always boasting about her baby daughter.
(?) Is Alice always boasting about her baby daughter?
(-) Alice isn't always boasting about her baby daughter.
6. Aunt Helen is shopping at the supermarket.
(?) Is aunt Helen shopping at the supermarket?
(-) Aunt Helen isn't shopping at the supermarket.