Россия омывается на севере Северного Ледовитого океана и его морей: Баренцева, чукчей, Восточно-Сибирского, Карского, Лаптевых и Белого морей, на юге омывается Черным, Азовским и Каспийским морями; в востоке в Беринговом море, море OT Японию и Охотского моря: на западе Балтийского моря. Размер OT Россия Трудно себе представить.Перелет из Москвы в Магадан занимает восемь часов. Россия является страной OT длинные реки и крупные озера. Среди самых длинных рек мира ранжировать Северную Двину, три могучих сибирских рек: Обь, Лена и Енисей, и по Амуру. Самый большой из рек всея Руси является Волга. ТУТ ТОЛЬКО НЕ ВСЕ ОЧЕНЬ МНОГО УДАЧИ
4 His statement was disagreed with by us. 5 This person can be relied on by you. 6 This film was talked about a lot by them. 7 He has never been heard of by us. 8 This room has been slept by nobody lately. 9 The children were looked after by the aunt well. 10Your house will be looked after while you are away. 11 The date of the conference was agreed upon. 12 This textbook is spoken highly of by them. 13 The doctor has just been sent for by us. 14 You are being waited for by somebody. 15 Their grandmother is taken good care of by them. 16 His daughter is read to. 17 This example is often referred to by our teacher. 18 The timetable was approved of by the dean. 19 Kidnapping was restored to by them. 20 Their proposal is thought over by us.
5 This person can be relied on by you.
6 This film was talked about a lot by them.
7 He has never been heard of by us.
8 This room has been slept by nobody lately.
9 The children were looked after by the aunt well.
10Your house will be looked after while you are away.
11 The date of the conference was agreed upon.
12 This textbook is spoken highly of by them.
13 The doctor has just been sent for by us.
14 You are being waited for by somebody.
15 Their grandmother is taken good care of by them.
16 His daughter is read to.
17 This example is often referred to by our teacher.
18 The timetable was approved of by the dean.
19 Kidnapping was restored to by them.
20 Their proposal is thought over by us.