* Match the pros & cons (1-4) of
driving a car to school with the
justifications/examples (a-d). Which are
pros? Which are cons?
Pros & Cons
Not environmentally friendly
a Don't have to sit and wait for the
b Have to buy petrol for the car.
c Relax and listen to the radio.
d Cars produce lots of harmful gases.
Этот человек высокого роста, коротко подстрижен, волосы русые, прямые. Лицо добродушное, открытое, глаза серые. Губы пухлые, ямочки на щеках. Скулы высокие, гладко выбрит. Нос немного курносый. Широк в плечах, носит серый костюм из дорогой ткани, модные брюки, белую рубашку с воротничком, при галстуке. Кожаные туфли. Обаятелен, молод. Бред Питт.
She complained that how much she knew her husband, he was always a workaholic.
Oksana knew the poem by heart, since her mother had taught her many years ago. And all this time it was in her memory
It was clear that Mom did not have a moment of rest, since we took two puppies and a cat.
She was very sorry that she had not been in the city in which she was born for many years
He looked like a man who had just received a million dollars.