Maths: Talking about probability 1 Match the words 1-10 with the pictures a-j. C b 50% ONE POUND f 314 d a 8 0.1345 "X+1=5 1, 3, 5,7 2, 4, 6, 8 j 9 per cent 10 a die (plural dice) 1 a fraction 2 an equation 3 odd numbers 4 even numbers 5 to toss a coin 6 heads 7 tails 8 decimal
2. She always listens to me.
3. They usually drink coffee after their evening meal.
4. I drive to work when the weather's cold.
5. My parents usually come to our house in Sundays.
6. They learn two languages at school.
7. The village shop opens at 8 o'clock in the morning.
8. We give her a diary every year.
9. He often fights with his brother.
10. You never help me with my homework.
11. Big dogs like a lot of exercise.
12. He understands Arabic.
13. Lessons start at 9 o'clock every morning.
I shoutout to the moon. I'm fine, do not worry that I have forgotten here. I sheltered lunatics per box sneakers that you gave before the flight. They are considered the most advanced civilization. But they have no stores, soul instagramm, and does not even have wi-fi. You do not get mad, but I had to show how to steal your wi-fi. This is not only for them but for my existence.
Heard dollar jumped and I did not have enough money for a return ticket. After upgrading my Sleepwalkers completely stopped working. Stop the construction is not only my ship, but also the entire moon. It seems to me that I destroyed the advancing civilization. After the game show 10 * 10 and AA. King lunatics - Louis clearly displeased. It stops only my threat to Russian embassy :) In the meantime, his hands did not reach me, I'd better hurry to fly ...
P.S. Your best friend needs help ...