Merlin is one of the most fascinating figures in British mythology. He was a wizard, a poet, a teacher and an advisor to kings. His story is full of mystery and magic. Today, we think of Merlin as a wise old man with a beard and a cloak who had magical powers. Ancient myths describe him as being half human; the son of a woman and a demon, and they say he could turn into a bird or cloud!In the 6th century the Kings of Britain were fighting great battles with foreign enemies. News of Merlin's intelligence and magical abilities reached King Uther and he became the King's advisor. One day, Merlin had a vision that the King's son, Arthur, was in great danger. Merlin advised the King to send his son to live in the forest. As the young Arthur was growing up in the forest Merlin became his guardian and teacher. When Uther died, the noblemen of the country started fighting each other for the throne. To put an end to the fighting Merlin created a contest to choose the new king. He stuck the magic sword, Excalibur, into a large stone and said whoever pulled it out was the true King. All the strongest men in the land tried to free the sword but failed. Then Arthur, who was looking for a sword for a local tournament, saw the sword and lifted it out easily. He became king and made Merlin his special advisor.
Even today, people wonder Merlin was more than just a character of medieval stories. Real or not, Merlin continues to fascinate people whenever they hear his story. это текст.
1.What kind of figure in British mythology is Merlin?
2. What was he?
3. Is his story full of magic?
4. What do we think of Merlin today?
5. Why do ancient myths describe him half human?
6. What could he turn into?
7. When did the Kings of Britain fight foreign enemies?
8. Whose advisor did Merlin become? Why?
9. What vision did he have one day?
10. What did he advise King Uther to do with his son?
11. Where did young Arthur grow up?
12.Who was his guardian and teacher?
13.What happened when Uther die?
14. What did Merlin do to put an end to the fighting?
15.Where did he stuck the magic sword?
16. Who lifted the sword easily?
17.What happened to Arthur and Merlin after that? во
There is no better spot to eat in Spain than San Sebastián. It’s a brash statement, but if anyone can make it, it’s the food-obsessed Basques that populate this dazzling coastal town. With the second-most Michelin stars per capita and a respectable claim to the title of most bars per person, this is a glutton’s heaven. The Basques have even invented a novel way of eating – hopping from bar to bar, standing up, and sampling bite-size bits of culinary art, aka, the pintxo.
Stroll the Belle Époque promenades of the city’s three urban beaches to work up an appetite, sip glasses of local fizzy txakoli wine, and listen out for the Basque language, an ancient tongue unrelated to its Indo-European neighbours, still widely spoken in this part of the world. The Basque culture and its unique, insular customs are on display at every turn, from the L-shaped frontoia (outdoor courts used for community gatherings) to the many celebrations marked by rigorous and strange steps of euskal dantza (a local dance). Soak it all in between fabulous meals.
Лондонский Тауэр в 1066 году норманны построили замок на окраине Лондоу, в юго-восточном углу старых римских городских стен. Морманы построили стены и Йенс, чтобы сделать двор, в котором они, вероятно, построили летнюю башню. Примерно через десять лет Вильгельм Завоеватель приказал построить большую каменную башню, позже названную белой башней. Башня Лаудон долгое время оставалась и крепостью, и тюрьмой, и даже юу. первыми часто были иностранные князья и дворяне, попавшие в плен во время войн. Но позже, во времена Тудера, Туор стал местом, где были арестованы известные и скверные люди, а, возможно, их пытали и казнили. Теперь Башня - это просто самое известное и известное историческое здание Великобритании. По традиции Башню охраняют йомены-наркоманы. В Башне обитают вороны Блуки, и их кормят Бифитеры. Они носят свою старую яркую и красочную тюдоровскую униформу. Недалеко от Тауэра находится Тауэрский мост, построенный через Темзу в 1894 году. Туре проходят две пешеходные дорожки по 45 метров над Темзой. лет дворцу. Это были заключенные