Доктор Вайт говорит нам сейчас прсматривать за кроликами. Что ж, первое что я хочу сказать тебе, что морковь плоха для зубов кроликов. Многие люди не знают этого. Но кроликам не нужно есть морковь. Зубы кроликов растут очень быстро: два миллиметра в неделю. Обычно это нормально, потому что в диких условиях кролики едят много стекла(думаю тут ты сделала ошибку, мне кажется должно быть grass - трава). По факту, они едать на протяжении половины дня. Но домашние кролики всегда остаются дома. Они не едят так много травы. Мы даем им другую пищу, такую как морковь. Но это приносит проблемы кроликам. Ихние зубы растут и растут быстро. Они становатся очень длинными и это плохо для кролика. Так что запомни - не давай своему кролику много моркови. Хорошо было бы давать одну или две морковки в неделю. Давай своему кролику много травы
My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
Доктор Вайт говорит нам сейчас прсматривать за кроликами. Что ж, первое что я хочу сказать тебе, что морковь плоха для зубов кроликов. Многие люди не знают этого. Но кроликам не нужно есть морковь. Зубы кроликов растут очень быстро: два миллиметра в неделю. Обычно это нормально, потому что в диких условиях кролики едят много стекла(думаю тут ты сделала ошибку, мне кажется должно быть grass - трава). По факту, они едать на протяжении половины дня. Но домашние кролики всегда остаются дома. Они не едят так много травы. Мы даем им другую пищу, такую как морковь. Но это приносит проблемы кроликам. Ихние зубы растут и растут быстро. Они становатся очень длинными и это плохо для кролика. Так что запомни - не давай своему кролику много моркови. Хорошо было бы давать одну или две морковки в неделю. Давай своему кролику много травы
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now
3. The police is/are catching the robbers now.
4. My family is/are having dinner now