For me, the ideal school is, first of all, a well-equipped building that is not in an emergency condition, so that this school has good equipment and can be properly engaged. Secondly, these are young promising teachers who understand their task and teach children, do not yell at them and do not run to the head each time to tell what kind of children are bad. It will be possible to attend this school exactly when you want, that is today for example, you want to go to school at 11 o'clock in the morning and you go, tomorrow you can go at 12 o'clock, and after tomorrow at all somewhere at 6. o'clock you go to this school according to your schedule, not the official one. It would be nice if you don't want to go to classes that you just want to go to, and give twice as much time to classes that you really need, and which you want to attend.
I am well. In St. Petersburg, the weather is Strange, spring has come. We also have the first flowers. I think it's a wonderful time of year.
I read everything you wrote to me. I'm upset. I think you should go to University, despite your time. And soon you will go to work and you can earn a lot of money. Most importantly, you need to go where you feel good and feel that it's yours! If you are well versed in languages, then you should go to a translator, many of them earn a lot of money! The most important thing is that you decide yourself! I miss you very much and I think we will meet soon!
For me, the ideal school is, first of all, a well-equipped building that is not in an emergency condition, so that this school has good equipment and can be properly engaged. Secondly, these are young promising teachers who understand their task and teach children, do not yell at them and do not run to the head each time to tell what kind of children are bad. It will be possible to attend this school exactly when you want, that is today for example, you want to go to school at 11 o'clock in the morning and you go, tomorrow you can go at 12 o'clock, and after tomorrow at all somewhere at 6. o'clock you go to this school according to your schedule, not the official one. It would be nice if you don't want to go to classes that you just want to go to, and give twice as much time to classes that you really need, and which you want to attend.
Hi, Maggie!
I am well. In St. Petersburg, the weather is Strange, spring has come. We also have the first flowers. I think it's a wonderful time of year.
I read everything you wrote to me. I'm upset. I think you should go to University, despite your time. And soon you will go to work and you can earn a lot of money. Most importantly, you need to go where you feel good and feel that it's yours! If you are well versed in languages, then you should go to a translator, many of them earn a lot of money! The most important thing is that you decide yourself! I miss you very much and I think we will meet soon!
Write often, always answer!