, мне нужно сделать из этого текста краткий пересказ на 9 предложений, буду очень благодарна THE DEVELOPMENTS
During the first seventy years of the twentieth century
many discoveries were made in the treatment and prevention
of disease. In 1901 Karl LandSteiner discovered the blood
Some diseases are not caused by germs or infections but
bу thе lасk (недостаток, нехватка) оf сеrtаіn ѕubѕtаnсеѕ in
our food. The discovery of vitamins in 1912 was very impor-
tаnt tо рrоvіdе (обеспечить) people with a рrореrlу balanced
diet. In 1922 Sir Frederick Banting found that insulin was
very effective against diabetes. Penicillin was discovered in
1928 by Dr. Alexander Fleming who became the founder of
the modern science of antibiosis. Penicillin was used in hos-
pitals to reduce infections in wounds during the Second
World War. Streptomycin and a series of anti-infection drugs
were discovered after penicillin. All these drugs are known as
A drug known as sulphanilamide was discovered in 1935.
It became the first of the “miracle” drugs (HyaonectBeHHOE
лекарства) which gave immediate and amazing results in the
treatment of many infectious diseases including pneumonia.
During the two world wars, great advances were made in
the field of plastic surgery, in which skin, bone or muscle was
taken from one part of the body and then was transplanted
to a badly injured area in another part.
Great progress was made in the prevention and treatment
of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, bacterial and viral infec-
tions, kidney disorders and other main causes of death and
disability (потеря трудо ). The individual of
*odav will live longer and more healthfully than ever before.
After birth, he was left in the care of the mother and the care of a black maid Virginia Prentiss, but soon Velman mother Flora married John London, and took the child to her.
As a teenager, Jack London began to look for jobs, selling the morning and evening papers. Jack London remembered how to create a newspaper and that you can earn by writing a story. He recorded various events of his life, which formed the basis of his works in the future.
Jack London there are a lot of products, but the most popular is White Fang and love for life.
Heroes of the product "Love of Life" are two miner - gold hunters. This is the main character, whose name we did not know then that the writer calls him "He" and fellow protagonist Bill.
In the story "White Fang" London tells the story of a wolf cub, describes his life in the woods and among men - an Indian by the name of Gray Beaver and Smith.