Мне ответить на вопросы к тексту1 why is it good for children to spend time in the kitchen? 2 should parents always let children be with them in the kitchen? 3 what things can children pay with be in the the kitchen ? now? in the kitchenchildren can get great satisfaction from making things and then eating them, andthe kitchen provides them with endless opportunities for learning. it gives them their first taste of science and the chance to learn about concepts such as quantity, shape and time. it can improve their counting and reading, increase their vocabulary, develop their manipulative skills\ and teach them how to concentrate and cooperate with another person. an added bonus for parents is that cooking can sometimes help tocure fussy eaters. children need constant supervision when they are cooking and take a long time to do things so if you are in a hurry don’t let them join in. there are several things in the kitchen that children might enjoy sorting into groups. try giving them the cutlery tray, various root vegetables, different types of pasta or beans, or tins. if your scales are the balance type, you could give them an assortment of objects to balance and weigh. or, if you can spare some cheap ingredients such as flour, oats, rice or pasta, let them do some play cooking with these. they can also learn a lot just by watching you cook.
Laura pressed the doorbell and HEARd quick footsteps. “It’s so nice of you to come,’ Laura’s sister Betty opened the door.
“Come in. We have PUT a meat pie into the oven. I think it’ll be ready in forty minutes or so. You aren’t very hungry, are you?”
Betty was seven years YOUNGer than Laura, but she was much better at housekeeping.
When Laura entered the house, she saw four WOMeN in the sitting room.
They nodded and went on talking. “Where’s Ken?” asked Laura. “He is REPAIRing his car in the garage,” Laura said.
“He will JOIN us soon.”
Dr Michael Werner says that he has eaten nothing for four years. The German SCIENtists explains that he gets all his energy from sunlight. He says he drinks only water and DIFFERent fruit juices. Dr Werner has written an EXCITing book about his experiences. In it he says that when he started the experiment he even put on weight.
He says: "I can't really give an EXPLAnation of what’s happening to me; perhaps I just believe in my theory."
Dr Werner’s colleagues say that only plants can produce energy from the sun, and they cannot explain how he is able to stay HEALTHy.
“This case ,PROBABLy, needs a lot more research before we will be able to explain it,” they say.
What is the largest animal on the planet? My uncle says that it’s the blue whale. He is a SCIENtist and knows a lot about them. The blue whale is an endangered animal, nowadays, people protect whales. FORTUNATly, They study these BEAUTiful animals instead of killing them. Blue whales are notDANGERous to people. It’s unBELIEVABLE but these huge whales eat plankton – small plants and animals.