Studying online, it can be said is difficult and not very, it happens that sometimes you can get confused in subjects, sometimes you can send the wrong subject and the wrong things, pluses in online lessons, what you can do in time and homework and lessons, you can not go that far , that is, to school, but there is one thing but! At home, children, pets, etc. may interfere with homework. At school, no one bothers you, you can safely write class and homework, another minus is that, for a very long time you can not see classmates. Generally an online lesson is not a very easy lesson.
Studying online, it can be said is difficult and not very, it happens that sometimes you can get confused in subjects, sometimes you can send the wrong subject and the wrong things, pluses in online lessons, what you can do in time and homework and lessons, you can not go that far , that is, to school, but there is one thing but! At home, children, pets, etc. may interfere with homework. At school, no one bothers you, you can safely write class and homework, another minus is that, for a very long time you can not see classmates. Generally an online lesson is not a very easy lesson.