Modern means of communication make the world a small place. It is now possible to reach the most distant places on the planet in 24 hours. This changed man's perception of the Travelling became very popular. Modern man has become a travelling man except for several people who are couch-potatoes and prefer to stay where they are. Travelling is very rewarding. It is a way of getting an exciting new view of the world. You learn a lot about new places, make new friends, get new experiences. People travel to relax, to leave behind their problems and troubles, to improve relations, etc. Working travel is also popular today. Many people travel on business, among them journalists, businessmen and politicians who spend hours in the air. An experienced traveller prefers to go to one place. Hopping from one place to another, climbing every huge mountain gives you only a vague? image of the place. Yet you see a lot of travellers everywhere in summers rushing from one place to another just to say later "I have been there."
1. Doctors make diagnoses and treat people who are ill or injured. - Врачи ставят диагнозы и лечат больных или получивших травму людей.
2. Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist and physicist, who invented the “World’s most famous equation” formula E=mc2. - Альберт Эйнштейн был блестящим ученым и физиком, который изобрел формулу «самого известного в мире уравнения» E = mc2.
3. I have been working as a barista in my local coffee shop since I entered the university. - Я работаю бариста в местной кофейне с тех пор, как поступил в университет.
4. My mum likes to watch different culinary shows on TV, especially the ones where the famous British chef Gordon Ramsey yells at people. - Моя мама любит смотреть разные кулинарные шоу по телевизору, особенно те, в которых знаменитый британский шеф-повар Гордон Рамзи кричит на людей.
5. The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau worked as a schoolteacher between 1999 and 2001. - Премьер-министр Канады Джастин Трюдо работал школьным учителем с 1999 по 2001 год.
6. My little brother showed remarkable music talent from an early age, so the whole family knew that he would become a musician. - Мой младший брат показывал замечательные музыкальные с раннего возраста, поэтому вся семья знала, что он станет музыкантом.
7. According to a survey, the profession of software developer was at the top of the list of the most in-demand jobs in the world in 2018. - Согласно опросу, профессия разработчика программного обеспечения была на вершине списка самых востребованных вакансий в мире в 2018 году.
8. The author of the world-famous fantasy book series about the adventures of the young wizard Harry Porter and his friends is my favourite writer Joanne Rowling. - Автором всемирно известной серии фантастических книг о приключениях молодого волшебника Гарри Портера и его друзей является моя любимая писательница Джоан Роулинг.
9. My grandmother had to quit her job as an actress and become a tailor in order to provide for her family. - Моей бабушке пришлось бросить работу актрисы и стать швеёй, чтобы обеспечивать свою семью.
10. Last year my parents and I visited the Museum of Rodin in Paris, which contains the most significant creations of the greatest French sculptor Auguste Rodin. - В году мы с родителями посетили Музей Родена в Париже, где хранятся самые выдающиеся творения величайшего французского скульптора Огюста Родена.
ПЕРЕВОД:My name is Anna. I'm 11 years old. I was born in St. Petersburg, and then moved to Moscow. I collect coins from old and other countries. The collection is very large, it consists of 423 coins.(ещё одно предложение про "что я должна чувствовать"
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