Module 6
Test Work
1. Fill in: Charity, were involved, foster, staff , senior, took, to burst, abandoned, a couple of, choice
1) The children raised over 200$ for .
2) The car was found in Bristol.
3) A citizen is someone who is over 60 years old or who is retired.
4) Claire looked as if she was about into tears.
5) It’s sometimes difficult to find suitable parents.
6) You’ll be all right in days.
7) When Paul was young, he great care of his appearance.
8) You have left me with no .
9) I’d like to welcome a new member of .
10) More than30 software firms in the project.
2. Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1) The building (build) in 1677.
2) The building (build) in 2019.
3) The building (build) now.
4) The building (already/build).
5) The building (build) when the fire started.
3. Rewrite the sentences using the causative.
1) Ann repaired her roof.
2) How often do you service your car?
3) I don’t like taking my photograph.
4) I think you should clean your coat.
4. Fill in: checked in, check out, check on, checked off, check up on
1) Can you go upstairs and the kids?
2) He at the Europa Hotel.
3) Henry called me to some facts.
4) The teacher the children's names ___ as they entered.
5) I’d like to than new restaurant.
5. Fill in the correct preposition
1) We were told about showing kindness animals and looking them properly.
2) I liked the idea getting involved something worthwhile.
3) Most of the animals are removed their homes.
4) Could you volunteer to visit a senior citizen a couple ___ hours about twice a week?
5) We always donate old clothes ___ the local charity shop.
Відповідь:10. Ви коли-небудь здійснювали святковий круїз по Волзі, Камі чи вздовж узбережжя Чорного моря?
11. Деякі люди воліють подорожувати самостійно і ненавидять подорожі групою. Що з вами?
12. Ви коли-небудь були за кордоном? Як ти подорожував?
13. Які країни ви хотіли б відвідати? Чому?
10. I have never swum on these rivers but I had the opportunity to swim on the Black Sea coast it is unrealistically cool(Я ніколи не плавав на цих річках але в мене була нагода поплавати на узбережжі чорного моря це нереально круто)
11.No, unfortunately I do not like to travel in a group because it distracts me and I do not feel comfortable there(Ні я на жаль не люблю подорожувати групою адже мене це відволікає і я почуваю там себе не комфортно)
12. I was overseas it was just incredible I traveled by plane and by car(Я був закордоном це було просто неймовірно я подорожував на літаку та на машині (країну сам/сама вкажеш бо я не знаю де ти побував /побувала))
13.I would like to visit all the countries of the world because each country is unusual and attractive in its own way, but one of the countries of my dreams is the United States because they speak English and I would like to test my knowledge and share my impressions with you.(я б хотів відвідати всі країни світи адже кожна країна по своєму незвичайна і приваблива але однією із країн моєї мрії є США тому що там розмовляють аглійською і я б хотів перевірити свої знання і поділитися враженнями з вами )
1. He says that this sentence was not difficult.
2. Mary says that there was only one window in their classroom.
3. John says there weren't many fruits trees in their Institute garden.
4. Betty says Doctor Sandford wasn't in.
5. Doctor Sandford says his family was not large.
6. Helen says she had only one son.
7. Mrs. Sandford says that Benny was an only child in the family.
8. Benny says their house was not large.
9. The student says he could not speak English well.
10. Nick says his sister was married to a sailor.